朋友想借我屋企地址作聯絡地址, 申請破產, 對我有冇害處?

2015-07-16 7:49 am
朋友債台高築, 但他家人講明不會幫佢還, 仲話就算佢幾唔掂都唔可以搞破產,
衣家條數越黎越大, 他打算暪住家人申請破產, 佢話為免破產管理署的信件比公司及家人知道, 唔想用屋企地址及公司地址申報, 想用我的屋企地址申報破產的聯絡地址, 幫佢收破產管理署的信件,

本人現居住自置的私人物業 (未供斷, 唔會出租比人), 請問如果我借地址比佢, 對我有冇壞處或不良的影響?

回答 (5)

2015-07-16 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
申請破產時用他人地址, 可能有幾個問題會出現:

1. 呈請人可能提供虛假資料, 因為所有呈請書都要呈請宣誓內容屬實;
2. 呈請破產後但未頒令, 會有好多奇怪信件寄往該地址(話幫你填每年報表);
3. 呈請破產後但未頒令,可能會有比較進取的收數公司上門 (多為三線財務、黑財)
4. 破產頒令後, 受託人進場, 會問呈請人點解唔係報自己地址, 有可能對呈請人不信任, 或者叫呈請人更改法庭命令, 到時會好煩;
5. 受託人可能會叫該地址擁有人提供文件證明同呈請人關係, 以澄清該地址沒有呈請人的權益 (可能係租單、田土廳紀錄等)

總括而言, 無事就無事, 有事可以好麻煩.
參考: 可立信顧問
2015-07-16 5:59 pm
The answer is yes.

1. This will draw unnecessary inference to the creditors.

Since you don't have a landlord-tenant relationship with your friend, the creditors may "assume" that the new address was his property and file a lien for the bankruptcy "mistakenly". Eventually, the lien would not hold. But it will cost your time and money to resolve this.

2. Unnecessary harassment

Although all collection process must be ceased once the petition has filed and creditors are served, some creditors may not "play" by the book and further harassment the petitioner. Since your friend use your address, you are the one who will be harassed, instead of your friend.

3. Unnecessary burden

Court document is delivered by service of process, which in most of the case, is heavily relied on registered mail. Since your friend may not live nearby, you will be the one signing all registered mail for your friend.
2015-07-16 4:14 pm
當然唔可以啦, 大家都唔熟法律, 點知會唔會當你係負責還債既人要你還債, 又或者有其他問題?

幫朋友, 有個限度, 亦有個方法, 呢個 case, 要明白同佢講你既想法, 而且醜婦終需見家翁, 佢點都要同屋企人講, 否則佢自把自為做左破產而影響到屋企人又點算?
參考: 自己
2015-07-16 3:19 pm
2015-07-16 7:58 am

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