
2015-07-15 3:37 pm
我係2010年3月3日離開ABC Hospital ,宜家間醫院仍然存在。宜家有朋友黎探我,我同我朋友講"I have been discharged from ABC Hospital."

回答 (2)

2015-07-24 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Present perfect Tense(現在完成式)
The present perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb with the past participle.
e.g.He has written a letter to María.
We have been stranded for six days.
Because the present perfect is a compound tense, two verbs are required: the main verb and the auxiliary verb.
He has written a letter to María.
(main verb: written ; auxiliary verb: has)
We have been stranded for six days.
(main verb: been ; auxiliary verb: have)
由於你在3月3日離開ABC Hospital.
I have been discharged from ABC Hospital.
to discharge me 的意思是允許我出院
我被允許出院是:I have been discharged.
2015-07-15 4:23 pm
present perfect=no stated time;past tense=if stated time (=Mar3,2010.)
For the phrase:-
send self away;
allow self to leave;
to discharge self from ABC Hospital.

The discharge of Karen from ABC Hospital was dated Mar3,2010.
No Problem;

After her discharge,she used past tense to replace present

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:06:23
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