What to use my laptop for.?

2015-07-15 3:45 am
I have a perfectly good laptop but never use it because I don't know what to do on it. Any suggestions?

回答 (2)

2015-07-15 6:17 am
Hmm, well if you aren't using it, I'd highly reccomend you sell it and do something with the money you get from it.
If you really want to keep the laptop though, if its good enough you can run video games on it. Worst case, you could use it as an additional TV, streaming Netflix and movies and stuff. Glue or strap it onto a wall or ceiling somewhere and voila, TV on the toilet/in the bathtub :D
2015-07-15 3:51 am
Well what do you like to do? Do you like to play video games? If so, download Steam and try out some games.

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