I get cramps BEFORE my period!?

2015-07-15 2:53 am
So about a week before I start my period I get sore breasts which is normal for me and now I get cramps, they only last for a minuet but it happens a few times a day . I'm 15 btw

回答 (4)

2015-07-15 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
the symptoms you are having are most likely caused by PMS (premenstrual syndrome). you can get cramps, mood swings, and other period-like symptoms as you approach your period. it is perfectly normal :)
2015-07-15 7:48 am
A minuet is a 17th century dance. Cut out the dancing!!
2015-07-15 3:12 am
It's very normal. Happens to the majority of us. I'm sorry about your pain.
參考: Experience
2015-07-15 2:59 am
yea so? its normal

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