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I used to think I was a Christian and I was very zealous! I knew such a lot about the Bible and was very outspoken. But then God dealt with me (in answer to prayer) in my mid 20s and, after 2 years checking out what I believed, I discovered I'd never been a Christian at all! That was some shock! But it was the best wake-up call I've ever had.
Now, I'm not a pastor, but my experience could benefit you. I used to think a lot of knowledge about God and the Bible was essential, but salvation is not a head-trip. It's a heart transplant. When I re-read the Bible (no longer looking for proof-texts to support what I believed), and amazing thing happened. The Holy Spirit showed me just who Jesus really is, and what Jesus accomplished by dying for my sins on the cross. Oh, I had a head knowledge about that, but the Jesus I was following was not the Jesus of the Bible. He had been lowered from His glorious position by the people teaching me. And they also demeaned the power of the cross. I had fallen for a system of belief - a system of works.
Once the Holy Spirit woke me up to my need to trust only in Jesus, because of who He is, I got down on my knees at home, by myself, and prayed in confession and expressed my trust (faith) in Jesus alone. There were no choirs or lights or wonderful sensations - just a quiet assurance that I had done the right thing. From there on I stepped out in faith to follow Jesus the way the Bible says He must be followed and the same Holy Spirit who had opened my eyes enabled me to do that. Knowing you are truly saved is a matter of believing the promises of God. As this prophet said,
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed. Saved me, and I shall be saved, for you are the one I praise." (Jeremiah 17:14)
You will know you are truly saved when your heart begins to rejoice and you are moved to praise your Saviour. "Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise" is a line in a modern praise song. Those who are saved just keep on praising their Lord. It can be done quietly and privately. No need for taking to the streets with tambourines (though the Salvation Army are good at that!) Just be filled with a quiet resolve that you will renounce self and pick up your cross daily, in order to start following Jesus - Luke 9:23