
2015-07-14 6:08 am


請教各位YK+英語部的專家大師們,根據您的觀察與理解,英文補習班的廣告如何負面影響台灣人的總體英文程度? 或許可以提供商學院的研究生一些論文題目的可能性。

Dungeon Princess raised a good point! 有正面效果的也可以提出來討論。

回答 (6)

2015-07-14 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
------------How Tutor Ads. downgrade TW Eng.Standard.-------------
The subject gives Buz.College research topic.
No Buz theory
No Buz moral.
Regret to say the advert-making YK+ begins from me 1yr ago.
(1)Trade:-The activity of buying,selling tutoring Eng.service for money is bad.cheating=earning in sc.fees?The 4 co.have Buz investment free of charge in YK+ !
(2)Work:-The amount of HW,the rate,the quality of books as guardian tutorial?
(3)Company:-The 4 Buz organizations have to compete for their Buz,run their Buz.earning=cheating again applied.The 8 Buz cockroach-dirt are TutABC,EngTo,Tut4u,Engoo,1-1,gs,ws,&twtoeic.They use Simile to compare of one thing with another esp. in my v.g.answer ENG.that what I learnt from them is v.g;that what I didn't learnt from them is v.bad !!!I regret to say on account of that !!!
(4)Responsibility:-It concerns the employment of Immature IT facilities;Rigid odd tutoring;idling on the screen 3000hrs/300,000 times.
Employ foreigners called foreign labours;African indigenous natives,Jiangxi Provinces Chinaman who is responsible to tutor Eng.???
(5)Important matters:-cheat=earn in your sc.fees !!!???(a)fraudulent debt collectors gp targetting you to get back money owed or to kill you.(b)get loan to pay your high tuition fees (c)as arranged by your tutors in the 4 sc.!!!!!!
(6)Event:-A matter of event how terrible your Buz prospect will be if you don't know Eng. Very depressing in life and soon died in TW !!!
(7)Being a customer:-Regret to say you buy this poor service,then you pay=you die.The payment by you is 100,000 per 4 months package-Tut$990,others $500/session/3-6 months-engoo 60-48-24/lecture.Where's 4 monthsTut4u package????Buz is Buz,you shouldn't be influenced by poor Tutor ad.&get downgradeTw Eng.standard by get down to Buz.

2015-07-14 04:12:41 補充:
(8)rjamesho+Dungeon Princess raised a gd pt. on referring to Eng Tutoring internationally, plainly,communicativelly and positively .

2015-07-15 00:49:33 補充:
(9)3 min=300,000.Beware.

2015-07-15 08:41:56 補充:
(10)Eng.We'll Defend
2015-07-14 8:34 am
> 英文補習班的廣告如何___負面___影響台灣人的總體英文程度?


2015-07-14 08:47:18 補充:
Computer Aided Education應該會是基礎教育的主流.連在美國的Rosetta Stone都越來越注重Internet based language training.只要有恆心,這些網站/軟體 應該是足夠一般人完成小學程度的英語教育.



2015-07-14 08:59:02 補充:
但是肆無忌憚的狂登濫貼,就像junk mail一樣多到令人不想看.就全部丟掉.
這就要歸罪於-很多search engine的結果是ordered by hit counts.
可是它們在search engine的match counts就越來越高.
2015-07-14 7:44 am


既然是作戰,免不了有人要犧牲、有人要遭殃。英語補習班用撲天蓋地廣告攻佔知識版,造成不便、使之淪亡,只算是 collateral damage 而已,任何交錢給他們的人,才是去送死的人!
2015-07-17 7:23 am
2015-07-14 5:23 pm
看看這 "邪惡蟑螂" 貼的都是什麼的宣傳內容:
1.) 貸款,信用借貸
2.) 情色視訊
3.) 高薪求職 (誘騙少女賣淫)
4.) 電玩 + 搏奕
5.) 線上英語學習 (信貸業務延伸)
推銷術: 一次購買長期課程,採分期付款,可節省越多。每堂課只要一包泡麵的費用。興致勃勃的學子,三分鐘的學習熱忱昏了頭,就簽下數萬元的賣身契。

2015-07-14 09:40:37 補充:

Online Learning 和 Computer Aided Education 是兩個不同的主題。學術單位早已有數不清的研究。Online Learning 還牽涉到整體硬體設施。但是 Content is King. 你能期待混飯吃的外籍無業遊民能教什麼鬼英文。(不要說非母語人士也混雜其間
2015-07-14 11:23 am
Good point! 有正面效果的也可以提出來討論。

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