How big do you think a German Shepherd great Dane pitbull mix will get?

2015-07-13 6:46 am

回答 (4)

2015-07-13 7:03 am
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Probably pretty big, but it depends. Also Lorraine, why is it a bad mix? All of those dogs listed are great dogs, including the pit bull, if that's what you did't like about the mix. Tinkles, i think it will be a beautiful dog :)
2015-07-13 7:14 am
No telling since it's a mutt. Best estimate would be average the weights of the parents. Or if you don't know their weights look up the breeds. Add their average weights together and divide by 3. Dog should be around that weight BUT could be as light as the smaller breed or as heavy as the larger breed.
2015-07-13 6:57 am
Anybody's guess but what a horrible mixture :(

Any mixed breed can take any amount of genetics from any one of the breeds within it. Always the unknown I'm afraid.
2015-07-13 6:55 am
That depends on how they intercourse ;)
2015-12-21 5:09 pm
Just so everyone knows she turned out GORGEOUS and she's EXTREMELY smart. She learns to do tricks within 10 minutes at a time. Her dad is full white german sheperd and her mom is German sheperd, great dane, pitbull mix. She's beautiful. Good proportions looks mostly like a German sheperd. Here is a picture.
2015-07-13 2:07 pm
Impossible to tell when it comes to mutts, ask the vet when you take it in for a wellness exam.
2015-07-13 7:42 am
Pretty damn big, but it sounds cool ^^ Keep in mind that most of the time, the bigger a dog is, the shorter its lifespan will be. Pushing that aside, big dogs are amazing <3

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