How do you find books you like?

2015-07-12 7:09 pm
I would just like to know if anyone has any advice for finding books I might actually enjoy, or possibly even any recommendations? I am a 21 year old male. I don't read often as I can't find books I enjoy, however I enjoy reading when I find something I like. As a child I extremely enjoyed the Harry Potter series. Later in life I have enjoyed a few autobiographies from musicians, but I have run out of the ones of musicians that interest me. A friend recommended "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower", but frankly I found it a bit immature and maybe even pretentious. How do you find books you like and can you recommend any good starting points for finding more books I might like? Thanks in advance for any help. John

回答 (265)

2015-07-12 7:16 pm
If you don't have someone feeding you books/authors to try, spend an afternoon in your local library. Pull a stack of the new books onto a chair, and then read a chapter or two from each. You don't need a library card unless you're taking a book out on loan. Sampling will give you the best method of finding your interests, and it's better than investing in books you might not really enjoy.
2015-07-13 2:11 pm
There is a website called goodreads. When you first get it, you tell them what kinds of books you like and what ganras you like, and then it recemonds some books for you. You can also search for books that you have already read, and you can rate them on a scale of 1-5 stars. It will also recomend other books based on what books you rated higher. There is also a elementary school and middle school version of a program called maud heart Lovelace book awards, and they pick 24 books that are rated the best books of the year by authors and professionals. There are middle school books, and elementary books. None of the books are very long, but but they are pretty good books. Also if you enjoyed Harry Potter, I would recemond the Percy Jackson series, or the maze runner series
2015-07-13 1:11 am
Librarians are very good at making recommendations based on what your interests are.

Goodreads is a website where you create a profile and plug in the books you've read and subjects you like and it makes recommendations based off your selections.

Otherwise, you just browse, read synopsis', and a few pages of the book.

A light-hearted, fun read I would recommend is The Princess Bride by William Goldman. Yes, it was a book before it was a movie but it is quite a bit different than the movie.
2015-07-12 7:46 pm
I'd try Goodreads if you haven't already. If you rate books, it can give you recommendations for other books like the ones you've enjoyed, which I find fairly helpful. It's also just a great place to browse books to see what are interesting and there is a feature to add book titles to a list so you can remember the title. The reviews in my opinion are extremely helpful for me to decide which books I may like to read next.
2015-07-13 3:58 pm
First of all, I would just like to say that anyone who liked Harry Potter is a friend of mine. So buddy, I don't know if I'm gonna be of any help but I'll still give it a shot.

When I go book hunting, I always check on Goodreads first. It's a website where people could give feedback, comment and rate the books they have read. So then I go to the site, look for the genre I feel like reading, then check on books with high ratings. I never read books with a rating below 4.0. I also read the comments about the book. If I like the synopsis, then I add it to my reading list.
2015-07-12 7:23 pm
Yes--go to a library!! You can take out any number of books and if you don't like them, you haven't spent a single penny to find out. You can simply try them, read them and take them back. Then if you REALLY like them, you can buy them for your own personal collection at a bookstore or online. Personally, I read doggone near everything and every type of book out there--and I have favorite authors. But you may simply enjoy perusing what's available and seeing what you do and do not like. I agree with you about Perks, BTW. I didn't enjoy it, even though it was recommended to me too. I'd rather curl up with a good adventure story. Why not try some Jon Krakauer books? These are non-fiction, but they are terrific reads and hold your interest throughout. Start with "Into the Wild," or "Into Thin Air." Both are riveting stories, well-written and well-researched. If you want to be completely entertained and not "preached at" (me too) I would stay away from anything recommended on NPR radio--they tend to get over-intellectualized and prefer books that are "cerebral". I loved the George RR Martin Ice and Fire series--which has been made into "Game of Thrones" on HBO. The books are fabulous and so much richer than the TV series. But I also loved the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books--and all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. You might want to start there--read some of his earlier ones to get the idea of what Discworld is like, then you can really read them in any order you want.
2015-07-15 8:18 am
Study real history. Not the crap they teach us in school, but the real thing. That means do some research. Most people are idiots and believe everything they were taught while they were growing up. A researcher is someone who wants to know what really happened. There are few of these. Find a way to discover truth. You won't find it here on Y/A. There are too many wildly emotional idiots here who don't want to know anything. If you're different, then do something with that and find those books ~ there ARE a few ~ that talk truth ...
2015-07-13 8:08 am
First you need to know what category story you like to read.
Then go to the book store ,there's computer that it show all the book listed in that category.Also you can see rating next to each book .
The rating it show that the book has strong or weak interest in the readers .
Then choose one book or make a list of the books and read one by one .
Some times even you can find section that books are related in main story and follow the books to collect more information from different view of the different writers about same topic .
2015-07-12 7:17 pm
I recommend The Giver by Lois Lowry..Although I'm still in the process of reading it, it's very well-written and the plot is intriguing!! I must let you know that it is more of a young adult/ teenage level book, but so far what I have read in it has made me step back and really think! Also, it is one in a series of 4 books total, so once you finish you can add those to your reading list, as well.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett is excellent, and I would totally recommend it!!

If you haven't already read it, read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and the sequel (that was actually written first) comes out next week-- To Set a Watchman.. I cannot wait to read what has happened in Scout's life!! Harper Lee's way with words draws you into the setting/ time period, and you cannot help but keep reading!

I haven't really gotten into these as much, but I have heard wonderful things about The Hunger Games trilogy.. You should check it out!

How I find out what books to read to begin with is either reading books suggested by others or reading the books of popular movies that are coming out or came out a few years ago or are classics.
In a lot of magazines and newspapers, they will feature new books and give a synopsis of them..
I hope this helps!!
參考: some of my favorite books..and I'm 21, too!!
2015-07-13 10:24 pm
I always read the back of a book and if it sounds interesting I start reading it. If I am entertained by the first chapter or two I have a book I like. That's the only way yoiu can find out if you like something. Most people love Mary Higgins Clark. Try reading 2 little girls in blue. It's a fantastic book!
2015-07-13 7:01 pm
Try the Jack Reacher stories by Lee Child, they are easy reads and pretty fun to read. The Killing Floor is the first in the series and should be easily available at a local library. I too liked Harry Potter. Like the others have said before me I oftern find authors that I like and continue to read their work and similar authors. You really just have to try a few and find something that you like.

Once you find an author then try to discern what you liked was it a suspenseful mystery, was it science fiction was it the easy way the story was told? Then you can branch out from there if it was the suspense you liked well now try a few more suspense novels or whatever the case may be. Good luck. I'm glad you're reading your life will be richer for it!!
2015-07-31 4:32 am
For me I go for my favourite genres of books like(action,Romance, adventure and etc.) then I just read the summary at the back of the book and I decide wether I think this book seems interesting and I want to read it then I read it but if after a while you don't really like it so much stop reading it and find another book
2015-07-26 9:41 am
I enjoy the books i like and really wanted to read. I like most books wich are comedy and romantic.... Its depend on u that which u like....
I like Twilight, Harry Porter, I too had a love story, Romeo and Julia
2015-07-16 10:39 pm
find other books by looking at authors you like
2015-07-15 11:27 pm
Narrow your search.

a) Non-fiction or fiction? My ratio is 20:1 on this
b) Genre? As someone else mentioned, what tv shows do you like?
c) Short stories or multi-part novels? There's structural difference to the stories here.

I find many of my favourite books by reading the customer reviews of amazon recommendations. It's worked well for my non-fiction books.

P.s. I'm listening to the audiobook of Shutter Island, which is pretty fun. If you haven't watched the film, give it a go!
2015-07-15 8:56 pm
your question is analogous to the question, "what do I like?", which is a question of self-exploration. this might be why you read - to self-explore, either through empathic experience (Harry Potter, parallel world exploration), or through another method (self-help: oil-change manual). it could be you are interested in yourself, meaning, the universe. so, read EVERYTHING. you go a page/chapter/first book etc., and don't like it, then move on to the next thing. you as a reader are learning about your likes and dislikes. what you read when you're 8 is not what you read when you're 15, and so on - I read H.P. ten years later, and it was a completely different set of books. so, keep going - and throw in a couple of magazines. Get issues of the New Yorker (a range of fact, fiction and biography), the Atlantic Monthly (same) or the Economist (finance, world and business news, biography), and especially the New York Review of Books (giant compendium of reviews, often filled with history, biography and opinion). it's a rich literary world - enjoy your path!
2015-07-15 10:50 am
2015-07-14 7:34 pm
I usually stick to the authors who've impressed me in the past. Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, Piers Anthony, Terry Pratchett, Stephen King, etc., etc., etc.
2015-07-14 5:33 pm
I ask friends who are into certain things, like I asked for recommendations for spirituality books from a friend who's into spirituality. I randomly come across books that sound interesting from the summary, I look up new books from authors I've read before, people suggest books, or I read online articles on topics that interest me and sometimes they'll suggest books.

Can I suggest three books?
The Road Less Traveled, by Scott Peck
Veronika Decides to Die, by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
2015-07-14 3:28 pm
I'm 21 as well, and I think it's the perfect age to be exploring the literary world. You're able to have a pretty good grasp on mature content, but can still enjoy the young adult genre (like Harry Potter). Harry Potter is the greatest.

If you like books with a fantastic edge (like HP), you might really enjoy Ender's Game, the Maze Runner series, and Ready Player One. I also hated Perks of Being a Wallflower haha so I totally agree with you on that one. I would recommend Lord of the Rings as well, since you liked Harry Potter. However, Tolkein is a bit of an acquired taste, so you might want to read The Hobbit first, since it is a shorter book but in the same universe and writing style. I think you might also enjoy Something Wicked This Way Comes and Fahrenheit 451 (both by Ray Bradbury). If you like mysteries at all, I would really recommend Shatter and Say You're Sorry (both by Michael Robotham). I read the book Room last month (By Emma Donahughe) and it absolutely blew me away. It has the most gripping narration I've read since The Virgin Suicides (another favorite of mine).

I saw several people recommended Goodreads, which is an awesome resource. It can be really helpful in reference to recommendations based on what you liked previously (sort of like Netflix does with TV shows). But really, I think the best thing to do is go poke around a library. I like to go and just read the first few pages of every book that has a cool title or sounds interesting. You can get a good feel for books from their first few chapters, so you might really find that to be helpful in finding you a series or author that you really enjoy.

Finally, something that I have really grown into in the past year or so is collections of short stories. It's not always easy to find a good one, but it's pretty cool to be able to skip around through the collection or just read through them without there being a connection. My absolute favorite collection is One More Thing by B.J. Novak.

Sorry this turned out to be so long lol books are my favorite. I hope you find some great books! Enjoy your literary journey :)
2015-07-14 12:23 pm
Have a look round the local Library or book shop....try Stephen King...hes good.
2015-07-14 3:16 am
I like the Edward R. Hamilton catalog. I receive it in the mail. Prices are dirt cheap sometimes as low as $1.95 because they don't accept credit cards. Shipping is only $3.50 regardless of your order size. They have books on everything from anatomy to zoology. You can check out their site at
2015-07-14 2:30 am
Search on
2015-07-13 5:26 pm
Well sometimes something as simple as the title can get me to read the book, but I love going to libraries, book stores, thrift stores, or just online and finding books. If it sounds interesting I read the back of the book or a few of the first pages.
2015-07-13 12:53 pm
It's best to follow what you've already enjoyed. If you loved Harry Potter, you might be interested in classics and fantasy/magical series, like The Lord of the Rings and Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

When I feel stuck I look at lists of classic books like this and pick out ones that i've always been curious of reading.
2015-07-12 8:44 pm
I find them by content then author. Sci-Fi, Western, Mystery, Police procedure (87th Precinct - Ed McBain).

LOOK at authors; HERE I can agree with 'Sheeple' because successful AUTHORS sell LOTS of books!

John D McDonald created a character; Travis McGee who was described as an unemployed 'Beach Bum'
FIXER who lived on a houseboat and 'worked' to resolve problems for people. The series was SO POPULAR
that the Marina where his houseboat was 'docked' drew visitors to 'see' the imagined vessel! The books
SOLD through the 60's, 70's and 80's. Um-m-m, IMPACT on 1950 to 2000 - fifty years. ALL figment
and dream created.

'DUNE' I saw the book and thought "A BOOK about ' ' WORMS ' ' ?!" Read the first two and STOP.

Jockey-Author D >ick Francis; "A book about Horse racing?!" No, not hardly; British horse racing is the
setting but BANKING SCANDALS, Kidnapping, Plane hijacking -- you Name It CRIME and Mr Francis
WILL intrigue and entertain you!
2015-08-02 1:45 pm
If you search for a book that you liked on the internet, it will give you suggestions for similar books. This may be helpful for you. Read the reviews and find out what people had to say about a particular book. Over time, you will start to figure out which books really appeal to you and which ones don't. I used to pick out books that I thought I would like but could never finish. Now I know enough about my reading tastes to avoid those books.
If I'm just not sure about a book, I just go to the library and get a copy. That way, if I don't like it, I've not wasted any money. (I rarely pay for a book, by the way. So many ways to read a book without actually having to pay for it!).
2015-07-23 4:01 am
Depends on what type of genre you like. I for one love period fantasy novels so things like Game Of Thrones, etc. I would find out what type of genre interests you the most and look up certain recommendations for books in that genre. A great way for recommendations that aren't biased is ask the people at Barnes And Noble. Since they work in a bookstore they are bound to have read more than a few books. I would stay away from internet recommendations or top 10 lists since these usually go for the most popular. For example one website's top ten fantasy list only put books in their top ten that had a movie to it. They ended up putting Harry Potter number 1 because of how popular it is but they only gave The Witcher series an honorable mention when Andrezej Sapkowski's Witcher series is probably the only book series that can go toe to toe with Game Of Thrones and possibly win. Just find a genre you like and go from there. =) Don't go for popularity also sometimes the best books are the ones nobody has ever heard of that you found in the corner of a bookstore covered in dust.
2015-07-17 3:47 pm
I use a website called It is similar to how Netflix operates. Basically, you type in the names of the books that you have read and liked and rate them. After you rate a few the website will give you suggestions based on your taste profile. The suggestions are showed in a similar style to how Netflix shows whits recommendations for movies. There is a picture of the book cover, when you hover over it with your mouse it explains the book to you and shows how many stars the readers on the site have given it (it averages all the rates it receives).

I highly recommend a book called 'Unwind' by by Neal Shusterman and Luke Daniels. It was AMAZING. A description of the book is given below:

In a world where abortion has been made illegal parents have the right to have their child 'unwound' before they reach the age of 18. Being unwound is when a child is put to sleep in the hospital and all their organs are taken out and given to people who need them. So, for example, a bad kid can be signed over by their parents to be unwound, which equals death. The story follows three 17 year olds while they desperately try to find a way around being harvested. The two main characters are boys.

My second suggestion is a funny and interesting book by A. Lee Martinez called Divine Misfortune :

Teri and Phil had never needed their own personal god. But when Phil is passed up for a promotion - again - it's time to take matters into their own hands. And look online.
Choosing a god isn't as simple as you would think. There are too many choices; and they often have very hefty prices for their eternal devotion: blood, money, sacrifices, and vows of chastity. But then they find Luka, raccoon god of prosperity. All he wants is a small cut of their good fortune.
Oh - and to crash on their couch for a few days.
DIVINE MISFORTUNE is a story of gods and mortals - in worship, in love, and at parties.

My third (and final) suggestion is a book called Stiltskin by Andrew Buckley:

What would you do if you found an evil dwarf in your bathtub?

In Robert Darkly’s case you scream like a girl… and then you get taken on a journey to an entirely different world living just on the other side of our own reality; a world where fairy tales are real but not in the way we’ve come to expect them.

The aforementioned dwarf, Rumpelstiltskin, has escaped the Tower prison of Thiside determined to finish the sinister plot he started so many years ago.

Robert Darkly, oblivious that he is the son of the Mad Hatter, must partner with the mysterious ‘Agency’ to pursue Rumpelstiltskin across our world and the world of Thiside and uncover the treacherous secret that threatens to throw both realities into eternal chaos

Hope these suggestions help! Happy reading ;-)
2015-07-13 5:40 pm
If you like Harry Potter, then go for fiction books similar to this. Authors that write a similar style. Perhaps Cassandra Clare, James Dashner, Veronica Roth or Suzanne Collins.. If you wish to go into an entirely different direction, perhaps something like Shakespeare, I'll pretty much get into any book I read so I don't really have much advice on how but what.
參考: The Maze Runner is the best book ever
2015-07-25 3:26 am
I read the great writers when I was your age. A poet friend said he read the greatest writers who ever lived because he wanted t have a conversation with the greatest minds that ever lived.. So I read my way through the greatest novelists, short story writers and poets from each country noted for great literature. Russians I read Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gogol, Gorky, and others. English writers I read Joseph Conrad, Malcolm Lowery, Dickens, and others. Americans I read Melville, Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Hemingway, and many others. Then if you are interest in certain subjects try ot read the original such as psychoanalysis read Freud, psychology read William James. I had an interest in WWII so I read books by Rommel, Churchill and some famous ones like The Wall and the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I took philosophy courses in college so I read Plato's Republic and and many other philosophers. German writers I read Herman Hesse and he has one about a female singer Gertrude and a very fanciful book called The Glass Bead Game. A really wild imaginative writer was Franz Kafka. His longer books include the Castle but his short stories are good the Cockroach. To understand how the Feminist Movement began there is a book written in the 50's called The Second Sex by Simone De- Beauvoir. To understand the plight of black people facing racism there are the writers of the Harlem Renaissance a great short story writer called Richard Wright. An interesting book on history The Decline of the West. There are plays worth reading Death of a Salesman, Long Day's Journey into Night. A book about a crime, Truman Capote, In Cold Blood. . . , ,
2015-07-13 12:33 am
Tbh. *head in hands now* #HadesCommentHashtagRISTATTT sigh. prayers. suicidal. sigh. prayers. loop....
KyokoJohnson blah blah blah 7EE too much fame etc etc etc, that girl on the train ETC ET ******* CETRA. WTFH RUFTA. i don't give a **** about your questions and coming across as intelligent no more. You get absolute zero points. 99% world poverty I've had enough absolutely the roof enough!!!!!!!! I read these questions now and I'm like where is the 7GTAnna rad in it? There isn't any. Because it's not from 7her. On top of that my whatever i have is not even superior to yours. I just wanna be with my gurl in a mansion home FOREVER (NOT A HOUSE).. that's all. No strange like adverts and weidos ringing on the telephone pretending to be sales people... No more questions from bodys such as yourselves as u've already proven your abominations. Just good 7A7E7 proper for 7XEternity. Other than that I wish I was dead.

Where is 7CIABelle please????????????????????????????????????

I'd prefer to listen and read what 7GTAnna e 7GTVanessa have got to say all day long than variously made Christof mashups behind screens and obscene grotesqueries in weirdest bridges juxtaposed with the cheapest imitation.

Not that I think China is wrong whatsoever, I'm just trying to POINT UPWARDS the HAIR OF THE LOG IMITATION THING.
I'm Wung Ducking It la la LA la laaaaaaaaaa. Anyone?
2017-03-03 1:38 am
better watch a movie,than read a written publication.Of course,it is simpler to get an improved picture by watching the action(images),then looking at each one of these portrayed words.
2017-01-30 4:04 pm
reading is much better the book keeps u thinking so you get more detail in what folks are thinking and you get more imagination and you will picture it in your mind
2016-12-17 5:33 am
Find Books You Like
2016-05-01 7:20 am
Learning the foundational examining skills allows your son or daughter to focus on understanding the subject they're reading as opposed to battle with knowledge the words ultimately resulting in an even more satisfying and enjoyable studying experience and that is in what this program Children Learning Reading from here is based.
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This benefit can be specially useful if you and your son or daughter are fighting a specific word. You realize that when the phrase is included in the manual then it's something that can not be trained applying the Children Learning Reading method.
2015-09-30 2:29 pm
I google them and purchase them online.
2015-08-04 2:56 am
2015-08-04 12:27 am
Check out television Book reviews..why? The reviewer will often have author(s) present for a short chat...that will help you size up the author. Then there is the discussion. If the topic is fun, boring, interesting YOU will know it is likely to be a book you will like. example:
Free Days With George. 6873 likes · 777 talking about this. Official Facebook for George, a formerly homeless Newfoundland dog who is the subject
I started this book and read it in two sittiings I could not put it down GLORIOUS, beyond Harry Potter in Good feelings and What happens next?
2015-08-04 12:18 am
Read everything!!
2015-08-03 9:50 pm
2015-08-03 9:32 pm
I find books I enjoy one of two ways. I go to a book store and find the genres I prefer the most and just browse reading the summaries on the back until I find one interesting. Or I really like The Barnes & Noble website and I just look through their books online.

Well my two favorite books are Before I Die & Grey Eyes. Though The Game has an honorable mention.

Before I Die is a little more realistic. Its about a girl whos slowly dying and isn't ready so she drafts a list of things she needs to do before she dies. Its really beautiful and well-written ad never strays from a realistic view point. But its still pretty sad and the main character is kinda cynical I don't know if your into that.

Grey eyes is a fantasy trilogy. Its basically about a girl who learns shes royalty and has to prevent a war from raging on against several supernatural creatures and has a hard time doing so because she was gifted with black magic and has to hide it. They managed to put in ideas of religion reincarnation and karma into it which gives it a really interesting vibe and makes it complex. But the writing itself is a little jumbled.

Lastly The Game is sci-fi. Its about a future where people use games for life experience and it focuses on the best player in the world and his last game before retirement that goes awry.

So yeah hope you like them!
2015-08-03 1:34 pm
flip through the pages and wait for curiosity to spark. otherwise, mainly reviews or any story based on reality
2015-08-03 8:43 am
I like to use Wattpad. When you sign up it asks you questions to help you find books you may be interested in. And if you feel inspired to write your own book, you can, and other users can read it/ them!
2015-08-03 5:47 am
Chapters is your best friend. Just go to Chapters type in a book topic you'reinterested in and you'll get book titles on that topic or just browse the shelf until you see something that looks interesting.
2015-08-03 5:33 am
Look for the big picture books in a place called a li-brary.
2015-08-02 11:45 pm
ask friends and teachers
2015-08-02 5:40 pm
amazon, searching the torrent sites, or google
2015-08-02 11:24 am
Study real history. Not the crap they teach us in school, but the real thing. That means do some research. Most people are idiots and believe everything they were taught while they were growing up. A researcher is someone who wants to know what really happened. There are few of these. Find a way to discover truth. You won't find it here on Y/A. There are too many wildly emotional idiots here who don't want to know anything. If you're different, then do something with that and find those books ~ there ARE a few ~ that talk truth ...
2015-08-02 8:31 am
I'd just walk through a library, book store, etc. and find a book with an interesting title. I'd then look at the summary. If it sounds nice, get it. It's worth a shot.
2015-08-02 5:27 am
Ask your friends.
2015-08-02 4:57 am
i always go too a book store and read the first chapter if i dont like it then i dont buy it but if i do then i buy it
2015-08-02 4:33 am
Try reading Clive Cussler Books.
2015-08-02 1:04 am
if it is in my trash can
2015-08-01 5:17 pm
you just do sometimes.
2015-08-01 4:57 pm
Read them
2015-08-01 2:39 pm
I am looking at my favorite book library.
2015-08-01 2:25 pm
By searching google.
2015-08-01 5:23 am
i look in catagories
2015-08-01 12:34 am
2015-07-31 11:03 pm
You could ask a librarian.

Or you could go to Amazon. Normally it will suggest books along the same genre that you are inquiring about.

These are two suggestions that I should think merit Best Answer. (Well. Maybe not.)
2015-07-31 7:59 pm
Know what interest u
2015-07-31 5:28 pm
2015-07-31 12:09 pm
All the books are available online e-commerce company like amazon, walmart
2015-07-31 7:31 am
I go to a bookstore, library or and browse through various books and/or genres.
2015-07-31 5:37 am
2015-07-30 8:20 pm
You should really try and use!
If you've heard about a book, you can search for it and see it's rating (star-system) and read some of it's reviews.
However don't depend to much on them, since a lot of them are overly negative no matter what book it is.
You can also see "similar books" to those you already like, and check out some lists on there, maybe those "greatest books of all time"-ones.
2015-07-30 5:55 pm
John, I will read book reviews ... such as in the local paper. I find them that way. I also will read interviews with favorite authors who tell what THEY like to read.
2015-07-30 5:21 pm
search, ask people.
2015-07-30 1:35 pm
search on web.
2015-07-30 9:07 am
i just google my fav books
2015-07-30 8:38 am
I just google it
2015-07-30 6:57 am
to visit book shop
2015-07-30 6:46 am
I ask friends whose taste I trust for recommendations. I also read Newspaper Book reviews, and the Blog "GoodReads" is also extremely helpful in suggesting books that sound interesting.
2015-07-30 4:36 am
Usually look at review sites on the internet
2015-07-29 5:55 pm
Look at reviews/what's popular in critics websites or magazines. The bookstores can show you these sorts of magazines with reviews of new books.
2015-07-29 10:56 am
Try searching on a bookstore
2015-07-29 8:35 am
Comics and love story books, i always preferred in my life and i surely recommend to you read these.
2015-07-29 6:00 am
2015-07-29 5:53 am
I LOVED the Satanic verses !!! But it is a bit hard going !!! Salman Rushdie had to go into hiding after he wrote it !!
2015-07-29 5:19 am
Try . It is a list of most books and a social community discussion of them. You'll likely find some of your friends are already on there and may spark discussion over what to read.
參考: Casual reader.
2015-07-29 3:57 am
Goodreads! Get an account on Goodreads, right now. Like shut off this website and go there now.

Why are you still reading this?!?!? You should be on Goodreads! Go now!
2015-07-29 1:21 am
2015-07-29 1:04 am
I would just like to know if anyone has any advice for finding books I might actually enjoy, or possibly even any recommendations? I am a 21 year old male. I don't read often as I can't find books I enjoy, however I enjoy reading when I find something I like. As a child I extremely enjoyed the Harry Potter series. Later in life I have enjoyed a few autobiographies from musicians, but I have run out of the ones of musicians that interest me. A friend recommended "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower", but frankly I found it a bit immatuI would just like to know if anyone has any advice for finding books I might actually enjoy, or possibly even any recommendations? I am a 21 year old male. I don't read often as I can't find books I enjoy, however I enjoy reading when I find something I like. As a child I extremely enjoyed the Harry Potter series. Later in life I have enjoyed a few autobiographies from musicians, but I have run out of the ones of musicians that interest me. A friend recommended "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower", but frankly I found it a bit immature and maybe even pretentious. How do you find books you like and can you recommend any good starting points for finding more books I might like? Thanks in advance for any help. John
re and maybe even pretentious. How do you find books you like and can you recommend any good starting points for finding more books I might like? Thanks in advance for any help. John
2015-07-28 11:24 pm
Here are my suggestions:

Look for books similar to what you liked in the past!
Eg. Twilight > hunger games > divergent

Look for books about what you like!
Eg. Philosophy? Go for Thoreau's books. Thoughtful? The Outsider. Action? Enders Game. Life and drama? Teenage books like In or Out. Haha, you get the point. The internet is a good resource for that.

Ask friends what they liked and try reading the first 20 pages to see how you like it.

Make yourself read it... at least for a while. Sometimes you don't get into a book until you start reading more of it.

Go through the library, pick up a random book or one that looks good, and start reading parts of the middle to get a taste for the book.
2015-07-28 8:51 pm
Join Goodreads! You can follow people who share your tastes and as you add more books they will make more suggestions better suited for you!
2015-07-28 7:29 pm
I think it s just a matter of good luck, when I went to the American libraries I found most books just plain dumb, not a fan of silly expressions or.. American culture in general, no offense. If there is a book fair near you could try that, see what genres you re interested in and see if you like a book s summary to give you an idea of what you re getting into. I only read in russian and often sneak to my aunts library, but a collection I enjoyed very much by a Brittish writer is Sherlock Holmes, you might be skeptic about it, but give it a try and if you like mystery I promise it will not bore you. Just grab one out of the bunch and give it a try, don t be too picky. My aunt always hands me something I never even thought of reading and I end up loving it
2015-07-28 5:28 pm
I'm old-fashioned. I just go to a bookstore and randomly browse.
2015-07-28 10:57 am
I read the great writers when I was your age. A poet friend said he read the greatest writers who ever lived because he wanted t have a conversation with the greatest minds that ever lived.. So I read my way through the greatest novelists, short story writers and poets from each country noted for great literature
2015-07-28 10:51 am
I don't know if i like a book or not before i go through half of the pages, so i find books i like by picking a random one and reading it.
2015-07-27 9:34 pm
The Quick Read Books should usually be altogether in your library - the have very good thrillers and ghost stories. I think you would like 'Revenge'. Also they have some war books (mostly fiction but also about his own war experiences),by Andy MCNab - gritty, realistic, brutal. these Quick Reads introduce you to current best selling authors
2015-07-27 6:57 pm
Just look it up online
2015-07-27 6:02 pm
go to a local library and ask around
2015-07-27 3:55 pm
I think the local library is a good source. One can find an author they like or a topic they like and then search for other books on that topic or that author. I read non-fiction and reference type books, so, I do searches on the subject matter in which I am interested.
2015-07-27 1:04 pm
check the best sellers list and read reviews
2015-07-27 9:42 am
Barnes and Noble
2015-07-27 8:29 am
at 15 I read Hemingway Steinbeck both fascinating writers. I have reaD THEIR BOOKS MORE THAN ONCE.
Also An Autobiography of a Yogi. Excellent funny easy read true story.
2015-07-27 4:44 am
When i was 21 i tryed to read differents typs of Book, First you have to gain your religion book. Also you need to know what category story you like to read.
2015-07-27 3:15 am
The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, Percy Jackson, Magic The Gathering books, Les Miserables, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings trilogy... sounds like you re into young adult novels (which are fantastic). There is also a book called Coming of Age by Lori Hewett. It s hard to find but it s different and I found it a refreshing change from fantasy.
2015-07-27 3:11 am
2015-07-27 12:57 am
Look for a topic I'm interested in.
2015-07-27 12:55 am
It depends on what genre you like. Try: The Book Thief, The Giver, The Outsiders, or The Hunger Games. They are all really good books.
2015-07-27 12:12 am
I usually look up a most recent book I rad that I liked and suggestions usually pop up! and if I see something good, I then look up reviews of it to see if I wanna read it
2015-07-26 10:33 pm
2015-07-26 7:26 am
Well the most popular genre of books is without a doubt, fantasy, that is the only books I read, I like sci fi a little bit too, but not as much, I really enjoy audio books though, more so than reading try youtube listening to book on youtube is awesome
2015-07-25 11:00 pm
Adventure books
2015-07-25 10:33 pm
You could go to a library or just order some online.
2015-07-25 10:07 pm
2015-07-25 8:24 pm
Trial and Error / Chance Success, like everything else.
2015-07-25 5:19 pm
well roam first than again and see which of the portion u got attracted to ... well basically the title attracts the most but more than that the line under the title of the book really reflects the work of the author more than authors name ..try this.. i have alway read good book by this way
2015-07-25 4:55 pm
From the Internet
2015-07-25 1:08 pm
Read Enders Game or maybe some Wilbur Smith books. He's an excellent writer.
2015-07-25 4:55 am
read various kind of books, u will find it out what u really enjoy reading.
2015-07-25 4:27 am
i work at a bookstore, so i talk about book a lot of time almoust everyday
2015-07-25 1:10 am
Throw your cell phone out the window and jump in your car if you have one and make sure its got gas to get you to your destination and just drive to the nearest library. Once there walk around enjoy the view all kinds of people, books, and oh kids too. What i do is go to library walk around check out all books in the shelves and grab one that catches my attention. Its almost like when your thinking of food and its calling your name. Like hey that bag of chips calling your name to come eat it or the candy bar that tells you hey come buy me. Well eventually something will grab your attention and just check it out. Take it home and read it. Another option is sit there and read part of if there before you actually take it home. Remember its not food its a book of knowledge ready for you to grab and take.
2015-07-24 7:41 pm
Usually from reading a journal of a variety of topics.
2015-07-24 5:17 pm
I spend enough time in the Book Shop. I go through the first few pages e.g. the publisher, the author, the price of the book, foreword, preface, abstract, if any and then only decide to select the particular book for purchase.
參考: own
2015-07-24 2:10 pm
Goodreads is the best method
2015-07-24 6:35 am
I usually ask friends what books do they recommend...or based on the movie itself if i liked it i will buy the book
2015-07-24 3:46 am
I usually like horror so its pretty easy for me lol
2015-07-23 4:38 am
I always like religious books.
2015-07-23 12:58 am
I don't know how to read.
2015-07-23 12:55 am
Go to the library
2015-07-23 12:53 am
I don't like books. but i usually read the ones there are a lot of hype for
2015-07-22 9:20 pm
choose genera
2015-07-22 4:41 pm
Read book reviews in magazines or websites and remember or write down any author or title that might be interesting.
2015-07-22 12:51 pm
I find magazines helpful. Most of them have a page with new books that have recently been published. They usually include a small summary that gives a taste of what to expect...
2015-07-22 8:57 am
Goodreads is a great site. You can look up books under individual categories and read their descriptions, and then you can look at reviews and ratings to see what others thought of it as well.
2015-07-22 4:25 am
Ask your local store if they sell it.

Or, get it on Amazon or Ebay.
2015-07-22 4:12 am
Friends and family and aliens!
2015-07-22 2:30 am
I usually don't read large books unless it involves taking notes,

if you goanna read alot then you might want something (since fact)
if you like stories stick too comic books
2015-07-21 11:45 pm
I look like people like jen hew herbert to ask for advice on love making
2015-07-21 11:33 pm
Usually I would go to a bookstore and just glance around but most of the books I get are recommendation perhaps ask around a bit say your looking for this type of genre and ppl will give you options. If your into magic "The seventh Tower" is a good series.
2015-07-21 10:06 am
My brother cuz he knows everything
2015-07-21 2:37 am
2015-07-21 1:46 am
I look at the cover. If it looks interesting I pick it. Especially if it's pink. Always judge by the cover
2015-07-21 12:50 am
I usually go to the local library twice a week and peruse through the sections that pique my interests. I don't like reading books that contain over 150k or more words. It must be a very good book in order to grab my attention. I rarely read best sellers because they tend to be books that are popular with the alpha and mainstream readers. Besides, most are not that interesting or don't offer anything to challenge my intellect. They are just popular with certain groups of individuals.
I suggest that you find a genre, or genres, that interests you. Also, it might be a good idea to go read all those classic novels from the past even if you don't like the style of writing. You will learn more from them than wasting time reading mindless tripe that is available today at bookshops.
2015-07-20 3:41 am
Ask people lol noob
2015-07-19 7:25 pm
I don't try to find books i like, I get books from wherever I can (garage sales-libraries-flea markets-etc.) free books are best. I read everything and anything, it doesn't matter because you will get something out of it. Genres are for simpletons, expand your mind read it all.
2015-07-19 2:20 pm
as long there is a lot of picture mean that is a good picture
2015-07-19 1:36 pm
I think you should look for it yourself, no recommendation from anyone else will be good enough than yours, because your the only one who really knows what you like and what you dislike. I tend to go on this website that is called "Goodreads", it has reviews and descriptions about books and it also recommends you books out of the ones that you have already read. It's a great website ... Hope you try it out :)
2015-07-19 1:32 am
I don't read.
2015-07-18 4:10 pm
searchin them in libraries?
2015-07-18 3:36 pm
try out something new,let it be anything you never know what you may start to like
maybe youll even start to enjoy things you didnt enjoy before if you give them one more try
if you wont like it you can always just let it be and do something else
2015-07-18 2:48 pm
From friends
2015-07-18 9:28 am
You start by choose a genre. Since you picked Harry Potter I would think you love reading action kind of books. I'd recommend The Percy Jackson Series, Divergent Trilogy, & Hunger Games.
2015-07-18 8:24 am
Well, how I pick books is that I read the first few sentences and then if it catches my attention, I know it's a good book.( I'm a very picky reader.) I don't know if this will help you but good luck.
2015-07-18 3:03 am
The reading room has books to dowload free
2015-07-18 2:21 am
new york times best sellers
2015-07-17 4:43 pm
Try reading the books James Patterson has written that are aimed towards the adult crowd.. :)
2015-07-17 12:15 pm
Read the brief content about that book which will mostly be given in the back cover or read in internet. You get some idea about that
2015-07-17 11:43 am
2015-07-17 10:21 am
In order to buy books I do these following things.
1.Read the title of the book and pick it if the title seems interesting to me .
2.Then I read the summary about the book by the author and compliments given by famous persons . If it is attractive to me or not.
3. After fulfilling the criteria 1 and 2 the writing style is a big issue . If I like it than I will buy the book .
2015-07-17 5:39 am
Off of the tv shows u like
2015-07-17 5:34 am
Find out what kind of books and things your favorite authors read.
2015-07-17 3:00 am
If you like a certain genre, then you should search for books with that genre or similar to it. Once you find a book from a genre, read the back or even a few of the first few pages. If you find it interesting, then you should continue to read it. At least, that's what I do.
參考: Books are my life.
2015-07-16 11:49 pm
You can search for the best selling books that amuse a variety of people or simply choosing a topic of interest and scroll through the book. Barns & nobles let's you hang out until you find a book of preference.
2015-07-16 11:12 pm
Browse online! Thats where I find all mine
2015-07-16 10:20 pm
2015-07-16 9:18 pm
Just read about what interests you
2015-07-16 8:47 pm
Go to the library, browse .... look up authors on net ... find out what they've written .... make a list ... go get at library
2015-07-16 7:37 pm
Make a goodreads account.
2015-07-16 5:06 pm
I was required to read classic literature when I was in school, both English and American. I now read the fly leaf in books or the cover in paper backs
I also talk to Librarians and also get suggestions from friends. I tend to stay within the topics and genre that I like, but I think that is probably typical for most people.
2015-07-16 2:39 pm
ask a librarian
or search up the type of books you like horror,romance(not preferable, sort of disgusting),adventurous or any other
read the Percy Jackson stories and the sequels heros of Olympus
they are the best book ever
2015-07-16 2:14 pm
I usually find an author I like then look him up and try more of his books. Or I just look up books that share the same genre or qualities of a book I like and go on from there.
2015-07-16 9:10 am
google search
2015-07-16 8:58 am
I'm pretty sure that there is a personality quiz for that
2015-07-16 8:07 am
You could try the Song of Ice and Fire books. Although the show follows the books pretty closely, the world created in the books is so much more expansive than the show, you get a completely different feel from reading that you would from watching.
2015-07-16 5:06 am
I would think most subjects would interest you, as your reading experience is broad. Pick a random word for a dictionary, and research a book on that word
2015-07-16 3:02 am
Find what genre you like. I personally read YA novels (I'm 26)- they're amazing.
參考: Reader
2015-07-16 2:13 am
Its a hunt. But mostly I take down the titles of books, magazines and journals cited in book I found to be interesting and network from there.

Then I peruse titles from bestsellers lists or from various prize winning titles that conform to my interest. Record the winners and forget the dogs.

What I puzzled out was that after reading titles from the NYT best sellers list over a years period it struck me how mediocre if not banal some of these recommended books were. Then I read where book agents will promote an author's work for a percentage fee, which explained how average books were becoming bestsellers.
2015-07-16 12:58 am
read reviews
2015-07-16 12:15 am
I browse sites like amazon, look up books I know I like, then look underneath that book at similar books that others chose. I read the reviews, to weigh the pros and cons.
2015-07-15 11:04 pm
2015-07-15 10:14 pm
I use google by searching for specific genre of books. When I feel like reading a detective - "best detective books" in google and that's it.
2015-07-15 9:25 pm
I read the reviews, I found a great book on Amazon "Wileys Grocery" by SB Boughton. The reviews made it sound like a book I'd like so I bought it and loved it. An odd sense of humor that matched my own. Hopefully this author will come out with more.
2015-07-15 8:22 pm
Tina Fey's Bossy pants is great. I also enjoyed The princess bride. Both of those are more on the comical side. And bossy pants is an auto biography. The princess bride is not a chick book, I assure you.
2015-07-15 4:23 pm
If something like a theme peaks my interest i search for books about it like dreams for example i would search for books on dreams
2015-07-15 3:15 pm
Oh i can browse for hours in a library, the joy of being surrounded by all those books and the peace and quite
of the place, no better place to be surprised by an awesome book
2015-07-15 2:21 pm
well, do flip through some book blurbs online and see if it grabs ya.
2015-07-15 1:18 pm
I can't recomment much because everyone like different things, even sometimes my usual sources recommend a "good" book and I end up not liking it at all.
Currently I'm reading Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I'm only on like pay 20, but its aright thus far.
For me personally, I an subscribed to a few booktubers on youtube, they usually have some neat finds, as well as some popular ones. But like a lot of people have stated, you just have to read the book to know if you like it. stick to your favorite authors. :)
Best wishes ~~ Kylie :3
2015-07-15 6:15 am
2015-07-15 6:06 am

Be busy for awhile
2015-07-15 6:05 am
2015-07-15 5:35 am
The library
2015-07-15 5:24 am
Honestly, I check tags on instagram and see if people post about certain books that have caught my attention in book stores and see the comment they put below the picture (which they usually do)
2015-07-15 4:26 am
Hi John!

Over here in England I often buy the newspapers: The Guardian or The Observer. I read their book reviews, occasionally something they review interests me and I go and buy it. Also, there are recommendations from friends, bokks they've read or; are currently reading. Like you I often read biographies of musicians. Peter Gabriel's biography, I found to be very interesting. Other than that, I can recommend one book to you that I found to be exceptional. Its by Vikram Seth and called The Golden Gate. It tells of a group of people living and working in Silicon Valley, California. The book had me crying tears of sadness one minute, the next tears of joy as it was so funny. Its a very well written book. Its set in stanzas, a complete work of poetry and it is well worth seeking out. My favourite authors are: J.G. Ballad - Crash, Truman Capote - In Cold Blood, Norman Mailer - The Fight, Paul Bowles - Above The World. I wish you well with your reading.

Music lover, good luck!
2015-07-15 2:26 am
When I go to the library what books interest me is by looking around for
Mystery- what happen next, curious thoughts
Romantic- what kind of love did the characters share
Comedy- what gives you a good laugh
Thrillers- what scares you off your pants
參考: Also good books suggest California Blue Islands of the Blue Dolphin How to Kill a Mocking Bird The Secret Garden
2015-07-15 2:06 am
The best way to a find a good book...
step 1. Judge the book by the cover.
step 2. Judge the summary
step 3. Flip to the smackdab middle and read a paragraph.
If you do all three and think the book is okay, read it. I know it seems unfair to judge books by their covers but visual appeal is what draws interest.
Some of my favorite books.
Ranger's Apprentice -John Flanagan
Kingkiller Chronicles -Patrick Rothfuss
2015-07-15 12:18 am
I'm a writer, what I do is that I'm an advocate. You need to found a book about all sorts of things and learn how to do it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
2015-07-14 11:57 pm
barnes and noble.
2015-07-14 11:46 pm
Goodreads is a great web site for that.
2015-07-14 10:31 pm
There's a crumbling old building in your town that is just chalk full of interesting things called books.It's like liberty or liberache or something. It is in most every town big enough to have a post office and bank.Free books-can you imagine it?
See, you go in there and pick up a book and read a page or two. If you like it, you go sit down and read a few more pages-then IF YOU LIKE IT, like magic you can CHECK IT OUT -FREE.If you don't give it to the libretto to put it away in the right place for you.
You will never read them all, but if you listen to other people you will never readd some great books you find by accident.
Don't miss books by John Irving, Tom Robbins, Margaret Atwood, if you like novels that are fun to read.
Don't miss books by Sue Grafton and Tony Hillerman if you are into mysteries.Agatha Christie is awesome!
Read about Sherlock HOlmes, Gulliver, Ichabod Crane, and Tiny Tim if you like unforgettable characters.
Read about giraffes, or pandas or monkeys. Read about pencils and bugs and seahorses.
I am 65 years old and I have been reading 2-3 books at a time since I was about 10 years old. I read more than that in college.
Right now, I am reading a wonderful book by JF Toole called "The Confederacy of Dunces" a comedy about living in New Orleans, and a book about buddhist teachings, and a book by John Irving called "The 158-pound Marriage."
2015-07-14 10:22 pm
internet spofify for books
2015-07-14 8:39 pm
I ll find a book I like and follow the author. When I finish that author s work, I find authors who write similar genres and move forward from there.
2015-07-14 7:21 pm
Seek your interests and that will point out what you seek.
2015-07-14 4:40 pm
First recognize the genre you like reading by remembering the books you enjoyed. Then search for the top books of that genre and read its reviews and comments. Then decide on it. Try the percy jackson series.
2015-07-14 4:02 pm
amazon friend
2015-07-14 2:14 pm
just go to best shop and get your favorite books.
2015-07-14 2:04 pm
by imagining them with your mind lol
2015-07-14 2:03 pm
Sunday New York Times book review. Browsing library shelves. NPR book reviews and discussions.
2015-07-14 11:12 am
Honestly, I would just go to Barnes and Noble and look around. You'd be surprised by the things that catch your attention. Read the summary and the first few pages and if you can't stop, buy it!
2015-07-14 11:08 am
the library or the internet
2015-07-14 10:41 am
Search on internet
2015-07-14 10:23 am
You just look for what you like
2015-07-14 10:13 am
2015-07-14 9:25 am
Just buy a samsung galaxy Tab S 10.5 inch tablet 16gb and easy to read books on super oled screen
2015-07-14 9:00 am
.....a book CAN be judged by its cover......this does work......but listening, finding a book critic that is on your same wave length....asking the library for books that you may like.......
2015-07-14 7:29 am
You enjoyed Young Adult novels & there is nothing wrong staying with Young Adult. Maybe consider "Percy Jackson & the Olympian" by Rick Riordan

You can find info on these books here:

If you enjoy fantasy, then you might consider books written by Brandon Sanderson or Robert Jordan. Especially the books in the series "Wheel of Time"
2015-07-14 6:44 am
What interests you in other forms of media? If you like sci-fi movies you should read the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. If you like horror movies you should read just about any Stephen King novel. If you want something more historical go with something like Gone With The Wind or War and Peace. If you are having a hard time then read book reviews and test out books in different genres.
2015-07-14 6:10 am
Use the app goodreads!
2015-07-14 5:28 am
2015-07-14 4:43 am
The library always has a book list to find a new read
Barnes & Nobel also has a book list to refer to
Read the NY Times bestseller list
Go to any book store, wander around, check out the latest books and the bestsellers. Grab a few books you think you like, sit down and page through them. See what you like.
You can do the same in the library - and then it's free.
2015-07-14 3:21 am
I go to the library
2015-07-14 2:45 am
I love the Goodreads site. Use it all the time to find good books. Also I will search through the NY Times best sellers list. Often my library (small town) does not have a lot of books so I inter library loan lots of them. If you find one author that you like, Goodreads will sort them also by author, genere etc. Check it out.
2015-07-14 2:37 am
I usually read on Wattpad, its a place of diff genres and made by authors and other people who have gifts and other write for fun. I really like the random section..its fun.
2015-07-14 2:13 am
ask librarian
2015-07-14 12:57 am
join a local library and start browsing. everything under the sun is there if you will just look. most are free and are interested in passing the word of knowledge.
2015-07-14 12:08 am
First get an idea on what kind of things you enjoy. Then go search for books that have those things.
2015-07-13 11:30 pm
Look through store searches of ur favourite genres
2015-07-13 11:08 pm
Hunger Games Series

Divergent Series
2015-07-13 10:51 pm
Based on your interests
2015-07-13 10:41 pm
I go on the internet and look for books that interest me.
2015-07-13 10:00 pm
The fault in our stars a really good book and if you're searching for good books buy the books that are best seller ONLY
2015-07-13 9:28 pm
You can try looking online for books that have a really high rating from other people.

You can also try reading a specific genre, one that you are interested in, and read those books.

You can also try reading a specific series or a specific author that you like.
2015-07-13 8:45 pm
With me, it all depends on what I'm in the mood for at moment...

I generally stay away from new publications. There have been so many GREAT stories written in the past that have been all but forgotten, that I tend to focus on them. My exception to this is a series by Archer Mayor about "Joe Gunther", a police detective in Vermont.

My favorite for quite a while now has been detective novels. Rex Stout's "Nero Wolfe" series is good because you don't have to read them in sequence. The relationships between main characters do not evolve from story to story.

P.C. Wren wrote some great stories about adventure in the French Foreign Legion in Algeria. Theodore Roscoe also wrote some great Foreign Legion stories.

There is also some great science fiction out there.

Let's not forget about PULP FICTION. These were stories that came out weekly in magazines. There are quite a few anthologies of pulp fiction stories out there.

All of the above focuses on FICTION, there is also the whole realm of NON-FICTION for you to choose from...

My favorite non-fiction is "Nunaga 10 Years of Eskimo Life" by Duncan Pryde. It tells the story of a guy who went to work in Arctic Canada for the Hudson Bay Company at a remote trading post among the Eskimos and tells of his assimilation into their culture.
2015-07-13 8:31 pm
Try "Dick and Jane".
2015-07-13 8:30 pm
You can to the library and they can point you to your interests or you could go on amazon and find the section of books and find which types of books you like to read. What you like to study. What novels you like. What interests you.
2015-07-13 8:01 pm
Try looking for a genre that you like and search up some books related to that genre and maybe you'll find one that you like
Btw this is what I used to do when I can't find any books that I like and it works
2015-07-13 7:34 pm
2015-07-13 6:57 pm
alan wat
2015-07-13 5:59 pm
2015-07-13 5:28 pm
Divergente, hasta ahora es mi saga favorita...
2015-07-13 5:19 pm
Mr Midnight
2015-07-13 4:51 pm
Goodreads all the away.
2015-07-13 4:40 pm
Well John what you do is find books in a category or subject that you are personally interested in.
2015-07-13 4:17 pm
Look in category's on Amazon and read blurbs
2015-07-13 3:48 pm
I usually use Goodreads to find new books for me.

Search a book title on Goodreads.
Check the top right section which show similar books which readers also enjoyed.
Or scroll below and check the lists where your book has been added to.

You will find any similar books in the same genre.
2015-07-13 3:41 pm
try edgar allen poe
2015-07-13 3:31 pm
Local library look at what genre best suits you. Look at each books synopsis located at the back to give you a nutshell what the book is all is also great for exploring without actually popping into a lical library and also very affordable as apposed to a book store. Goodluck!
2015-07-13 3:21 pm
Most libraries are on line as well as e-books for free. The internet is a big help there are many places you can read a summery of the book as well as samples pages. If you like harry potter you can goggle fiction books on wizards.
2015-07-13 2:52 pm
2015-07-13 1:52 pm
Via net
2015-07-13 11:36 am
The rating it show that the book has strong or weak interest in the readers .
2015-07-13 9:54 am
I usually go to my close friends who I know have the same reading level as I (and interests).
2015-07-13 9:39 am
I usually find books that recommended by my friends or Internet.
2015-07-13 9:12 am
I believe a bookshop or a library is a good place to start.
2015-07-13 9:08 am
2015-07-13 8:45 am
Try Amazon books.
2015-07-13 7:20 am
Search online to see what genre's your interested in
2015-07-13 7:02 am
I am with you for enjoying Harry Potter. if u liked harry potter i would recommend the Percy Jackson series. I know you may have liked Harry Potter when you were younger but if you still think your into it then I would give Percy Jackson a shot :)
參考: myself
2015-07-13 5:31 am
I'm an extremely picky reader, I used to read about books that other people introduced. But now I only read books that are extremely good. I would prefer biographies of leaders and people of influence..
I'm a non-fiction reader who is interested in sci-fi fantasy reading in technology,( Marvel, dc, comics.) Novels that has a affinity in stories that are extremely intriguing, bearing a sense in intelligence talk and political influence.
I also read Christian book, and novels more frequently than other books. I found no interest in the intricacies of the details of many books as there lack a sense in their personality------unless there is a hint of precise literature attached to it.
2015-07-13 5:22 am
Yes. Go to your local Library and explain what you are interested in and they will gladly point you in the right direction. Books are their business and they actually enjoy helping others find the things they want/need. Trust me, it's been known to happen............
2015-07-13 3:25 am
When I find a writer I like, I keep reading other work by the same writer until I have either run out of material or grown tired of the writing style.
I have readers in my extended family, and they recommend good books to me. Some books I have found by reading reviews of them, either in a news outlet or on the website Goodreads.
2015-07-13 3:14 am
searching net
2015-07-13 2:04 am
Ask a librarian or google "books similar to (your favorite book)" or contact an old English teacher, not only would they have some ideas, but they would love to hear!
參考: Personal Experience :)
2015-07-13 1:11 am
Only you can dig down and decide what interests you. Rather it be about babes, or gouls. You states you liked the Potter books. Perhaps you may like some types of occult books, like vamps and werewolves. Not the typical versions, but about people believing that through spells, they can achieve this. It's occult because of witchcraft content, but in reality, even in the true satanic bible, it calls those people stupid. It's fiction, but good reading. I'm a Christian, but I enjoy alot of occult, and accult books. It's more so educating for me. Try that for a good starter, hope that helps.
2015-07-13 12:35 am
Go to a bookstore and read the back
2015-07-13 12:17 am
just read the synopsis. if it sounds interesting, try it out. If not, don't read it
2015-07-12 11:42 pm
I usually go by the author. When you like a book, that is usually the reason behind you liking it. I also pick books that movies I liked were based on or books about interesting subjects, like mysteries of the unknown, ancient historical lives, flying dinosaurs, classic literature that everyone knows the title of but hasn't sat down and read- I want to know for myself what the book says.
2015-07-12 7:30 pm
There are various apps and websites that will recommend books for you based on what you tell them you like or don't like, but I think nothing beats a good, live librarian. They can often recommend good reads based on what you like or don't like. And libraries also often have recommended reading lists for various special interests (subject matter, age of reader, etc.).
2015-07-13 9:46 pm
It is a big feat to find a book I would like to spend the next day with, even after knowing what genre I'd like to read.

since you don't know, go on Goodreads, a social networking website for book lovers, and check out book reviews for possible books you might enjoy.

For thriller or detective, check Jeffrey Archer's books. For philosophical and life-purpose type, check out Les Miserables.
2015-07-13 12:04 pm
Try looking 8 a Web site such as Barnes & Noble or Amazon. If you type in a book you read and enjoyed they will list similar books. Twotter is also a good way to find books. Follow a few book sites or libraries. A librarian or book store employee can also give recommendations.
2015-07-13 5:43 am
The best way is to search on Google. You may also visit some good library narby and find out your preference there.
2015-07-13 5:24 am
Read classics and see what genre you like or get recommendations. Obviously, get a kjversion Bible and believe. That is most important.
2015-07-13 4:05 am
2015-07-13 2:23 am
If you are ready to have your eyes opened to the world of science fiction, I'd recommend "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel" and "The Rolling Stones" by Robert A. Heinlein. They would not appeal to anyone who liked Wallflower. If you want lighter fare, I recommend "Dragonflight" by Anne McCaffrey. For a good mystery with a young hero, try "Search for the Sun" by Ellen Anthony. Stretch your horizons. You'll never go back.
2015-07-13 2:17 am
Go to a library or bookstore and peruse the genres in which you are interested.

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