
2015-07-13 5:30 am







回答 (3)

2015-07-13 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes and no.

In order to explain the answer, you have to understand what exactly is non-JUPAS admission. Basically - non-JUPAS admission is direct application to the universities. However, unlike JUPAS, which can only accept HKDSE results, each university is not bound to limit what kind of qualification the university can accept. You are free to provide all relevant information.

It is true most sub-degree candidates only use their CGPA as the basis for admission. In some cases, people may use test scores, CV, etc. to enhance their chances. Also, some candidates may not even have CGPA.

2. No. Depending on the choice of major, some programs may not admit non-first-time undergraduate.

3. No. You can apply anything as you want. However, your result will be diminished depending on your choice.

For example, if you have completed a HD/AD in engineering and want to switch to Business, the program can still admit you providing that you will have to start almost all over again.

4. In most of the case, you will have to apply yourself. However, when there is a special arrangement has been made, such as HKCC>PolyU SPEED, you will have to check with the school for detail.

(PolyU SPEED provide conditional admission to HKCC students.)

5. No. The main reason is this kind of information is difficult to track.

Remember - universities are not bound to admit sub-degree students only. So it is difficult to track information that can't be organized.
2015-07-15 7:33 am
1) 正確。Non-Jupas 以 CGPA (Cumulative)/ GPA for graduation 計算,總結兩年Higher Diploma GPA.

2) 正確。GPA通用的。

3) 某程度正確。詳情可參考該課程的Specification,多會標明Diploma/ Asso 的 Major 要求。個人經驗,相同Department/ Faculty 有機會轉 Major。

4) 自行申請。一般而言,有需要時才向校方索取 Transcript。

5) 至於 GPA 要求,一般是師兄師姐分享。若有時間,不妨到 Consultation Session 詢問。作為某校 Ambassador,樂意與師弟妹分享。可直接詢問 Senior Student。

6) GPA 計法並非完全相同。部分院校因方法差異而較低。另外,「派分」的傳聞可作安心之用。

7) GPA 要求。個人經驗。相同院校/ 相同 Department 或較大機會綠燈,尤是 Panel Member/ Interviewer 認識的。至於三大,自身朋友多3.5以上或者Dean List。

Senior student ,除了GPA,另一關鍵是說服Interviewer 讓你讀書,而非到外界實踐。

2015-07-14 23:40:03 補充:
2015-07-13 6:25 am
1. 全對GPS是以整個課程計分,即一個GPA分代表2年的成績,如果你第一年考到3.8,第二年考到2.2,即你的GPA是 3, 所有非正規學校的DSE生都需以non-jupas方式申請大學學位.

2. 全對,所有大學都相同,只是每所大學對入學分數各有不同及不同學系也有不同要求.

3. 可以這樣說,假如你這二年是音樂系,絕不可能申請工程系,除非你想由第一年開始讀過,重要看大學是否接受你.

4. 嘜都要學生自己搞,學院是不會幫你的,還有部份HD/副學士學科有TOP UP讀,即如你未能到達資助大學取錄,但你的GPA分達到自資學士學位要求,咁你就可以用錢來讀完其後2年,即取得學士學位資格,而這資格等同資助學位的學士學位.



一般課程每年要收約60UNIT, 不要以為勁多,其實一科可能包括幾個UNIT, 如你取到A-至A就可取得3.4-4GPA,再以各科總計分均分,就得出你的GPA,咁你就估到要入返資助大學就要九成取A,如有一科取C而這科有幾個UNIT以平均分計算,你就絕大機會變為3.4以下即一定無份入返資助大學,要追回分數是極度困難,扣就容易追返就難.



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