Can you sell stuff from an abandoned/foreclosed house?

2015-07-12 2:28 am
There is this house that went into foreclosure a few years ago and still has some stuff in there that could be sold. If we can get the stuff out without getting caught, is it still too risky to sell this stuff?

回答 (3)

2015-07-13 1:42 am
You don't own the 'stuff' and you have no legal right to go onto that property. Foreclosed properties belong to someone, whether it's a bank or a government or even a new owner you have no clue about. You'll be committing two crimes, both potential felonies: Criminal trespass and grand larceny.
2015-07-12 5:15 am
You are contemplating 1) breaking and entering 2) stealing things that do not belong to you and 3) fencing stolen property. Everything in the house and on the property belongs to the current homeowner, whether it is a bank, another lender or a private individual/lender. It is far too risky and it is also illegal and a dumb thing to do. Isn 't it easier and safer to get a job and work on the upside of society?
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Real Estate & Foreclosure law experience.
2015-07-12 2:29 am

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