2015-07-12 3:25 am
It continues to suppress the mass media for fear that such reports will harm the reputation of the country.

Why not - fearing


回答 (4)

2015-07-12 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) " for fear that " = in order to prevent / avoid the risk of ( 以防 )
" for fear that " :-- is an idiomatic expression , 即「成語」, 因此並不可以作任何改動 ( ∴不可以寫 " for fearing that " )

e.g. She stays home for fear that the weather will turn bad soon.
e.g. She would not let her children climb trees for fear that they would fall.

(2) " for fearing that " - 錯 ,
但 " .... , fearing that ..." 卻是「正確」 :-
因為這樣寫 , " fearing that ..." 就是一句 clause , 是一句sentence 的一部份 (並不是成語 ! )

e.g. She stays home , fearing that the weather will turn bad soon.
e.g. She would not let her children climb trees , fearing that they would fall.


∴ 寫 (i) " for fear that " , or (ii) " fearing that " 都可以 !
As in your example , it would be :

(i) It continues to suppress the mass media for fear that such reports ..., or
(ii) It continues to suppress the mass media , fearing that such reports ...

2015-07-13 13:02:45 補充:
Need to clarify :
『" for fear that " :-- is an idiomatic expression , 即「成語」』這一句 ,應改為:-
『" for fear that " :-- is an idiomatic expression , 就相當於 Chinese language 的「成語」』

(用意是引用 Chinese language 的「成語」作比較,指出 English language 的 "idiomatic expression" 也絕對是「不可改動」!


2015-07-13 13:09:09 補充:
Godfrey, many thanks for reminding !

你很棒,"idiomatic expression" 是應該釋為「慣用語」,跟「成語」有分別;
Yahoo 字典 都只是將它釋作「成語」
2015-07-13 4:31 am
No offense

for fear that 只能說是"慣用語", 不是 "成語" , fear 是 noun
fearing that .... fearing 是 present participle, usually followed by a noun clause

for fear that .... 和 for fear of something
個人習慣稱它是 fixed expression

2015-07-12 20:35:56 補充:
idiom 有兩三個解釋, 大多數人解"成語"
a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own
e.g. under the weather

idiom 可以解 "慣用語"
a particular style in language, art, or music
2015-07-12 7:40 am
Yes, I think you've given a better reference, so I've deleted my answer.
2015-07-12 7:21 am
"for fear that" 是連接詞「以免…;唯恐」


這個 fear 是名詞 (noun),不是動詞 (verb)。

2015-07-11 23:32:54 補充:
Rocky, you are finally back!

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2015-07-12 17:40:02 補充:
Oh, I do not mean to waste your effort.
Also, I did not intend to answer this post.
My comment was just a reference to the poster to read.

Sorry for confusing.

Your answer (now deleted) was informative and helpful, actually you should keep it.

Take care and see you around again.

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