Good writing site besides wattpad?

2015-07-10 5:46 pm
I love wattpad don't get me wrong but I want to expand to another site. If there are any sites simalier to wattpad please answer

回答 (6)

2015-07-10 6:08 pm
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It depends on what you want from the website.

Wattpad, Fictionpress, Quote TV and similar are great for writers who just want to share their story, get reviews and followers.

But on the other hand you have CritiqueCircle and Writer's Circle for those who want honest, thorough feedback. Basically, if they want their work to get torn to shreds for the sake of improving your skills.
2015-07-10 5:58 pm
No, Wattpad tolerates bad spelling and stupidity
2015-07-19 7:10 pm
Try Penana! :)
2015-07-14 9:41 pm
Try or archieve of our own
2015-07-11 12:44 am
There aren't a whole lot though.
2015-07-10 5:51 pm

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