
2015-07-11 3:54 am
我係上年五月寫左封信,係上年六月丟左封信,想問問宜家可唔可以講"A letter
has been written by me."

回答 (2)

2015-07-11 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
時間已經過去耐左, 所以我會改用 had, 而且你既意思中有指定果封信既含意, 所以會改用 the.

The letter had been written by me.

不過我自己反而唔會用完成式, 而直接用過去式, 即係...

I wrote the letter.....

The letter was written by me.
參考: 自己
2015-07-11 4:24 pm
I wrote the letter.

All superfluous, unnecessary details in a posting should be deleted.eg:-"Mary was blaming Tom."

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