In laws from hell!! they always put their noses in our life, don't agree how we do things and never shut up,should we buy separate houses??!?

2015-07-10 6:24 am
Like...i'm getting tired! REALLY TIRED!! i barely know this people and all the time saying stupid things making feel like "i'm stuck between a wall and a sword"...and they NEVER SHUT UP!! i feel they are disrespectful, just because you think you're right, it doesn't mean that i have to live my life like you want! the problem is, were thinking about...buying our first home, and i'm already scared of buying together...i think it would be better, if i bought my house and hubby his...this way i didn't had to feel obligate to hear all the disrespectful things they say! and if we buy together i'm sure they will come and act they can say whatever they want and do whatever they want because of hubby...they did it already, but in the house we're renting!!! i don't want them to come to my house and disrespect me, for the rest of my life, and hubby just saying....ignore it!!!! they come and act like it's "theirs" because it's his house as they can do all the sh*t they want!!!! any thoughts? thank you!

回答 (9)

2015-07-10 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Figure out how to deal with it, or end the marriage. You and he buy separate houses, and your marriage is effectively over. If you buy a house together it belongs equally to both of you, but that also means either of you can have family/friends over as you desire.

Your best recourse would be to buy a house far enough away from the in-laws that they couldn't visit easily (no just dropping in unannounced), and when they do choose to travel to visit you, that's a good opportunity for you to go visit a friend or family member of your own (or go to a spa or retreat) for the duration of their visit.

OR learn to stand up to your in-laws in your own home and stop tolerating their disrespect. In their home, it's their rules. In your home, that's a whole different ballgame.
2015-07-10 12:57 pm
Get your own house.
Problem solved.
2015-07-10 6:41 am
its his family, he's supposed to be defending you. if he doesnt then maybe he's not the man for you.
2015-07-10 6:45 am
Uh, if hubby doesn't have your back, and sides with or ignores bad parent behaviour so as not to upset them, even if it upsets his WIFE???? Then you have chosen a boy. MEN don't let their parents intimidate their bride in their own house.
I would tell him the plan for your own house, but it needs to go with a separation. He needs to choose his wife or mommy and daddy. He should respectfully yet manfully inform his parents, in front of you that they must respect his wife especially under his roof,and you too must be respectful to them. If they disagree, he will have to be OK with them being pissed. They will evenutally come 'round. I would hope they'd respect him as a man finally, but....I fear you are looking at your life with him if you don't leave.
2015-07-10 10:16 am
Your husband needs to have your back, he need to tell his parents to stop their nonsense, if all kids have grown up and moved out, they need a cat or a puppy they can play with instead getting in the middle of you marriage, if the situation continues like this , will put strain in your marriage and you will get divorce, don't think about buying a house at this moment.
2015-07-10 7:57 am
Generally do not want to rent or own property that is within a 5 hour drive (one way, in good weather) from any relatives (yours, or your spouses). Oh, and the relatives are never allowed to spend the night IN your place. If they want to visit you, they can make arrangements with you in advance...and rent a nearby hotel room.
2015-07-10 6:35 am
this is why you should not live that close to either family
2015-09-21 5:54 pm
Yes you are. :)
2015-07-10 2:48 pm
Yes, one thought: you need to have a rational discussion about this with "hubby."

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