Agree or not. The National League needs to install the DH so interleague games would be easier on the AL batters.?

2015-07-10 3:12 am

Sorry I wanted to say AL pitchers

回答 (16)

2015-07-10 7:11 am
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That would be great, not just for interleague games but for all of baseball in general. A dh would make more offense and scoring. Also pitchers wouldn't waste their energy batting or get hurt doing so (like chein Ming wang did) and possibly ruin their careers in the process. 98% of pitchers suck at hitting. Pitchers are there to pitch, not hit. A pitcher could be 0 for 1000 and he'd still be playing cause he's there to pitch. One common argument against dh is that it's not traditional but gloves, jersey numbers, various catchers equipments etc. were not part of baseball at the beginning either. Another common argument against the dh is that takes away from strategy, well here's another strategy; replace a .090 hitter with a .270 one, I think you'll like the results.
2015-07-10 3:51 am
How about instead the AL gets rid of the DH so its' pitchers would maybe learn how to hit?

Edit - why is it considered to be so tragic when a pitcher gets hurt running the bases? Would it have been any worse for a player like Ozzie Smith, who was the greatest defensive player of his era and a poor hitter at the beginning of his career, to have gotten hurt the same way? Or would anyone argue that it would be awful for Miguel Cabrera, perhaps the greatest hitter of his generation, to get hurt while playing first base simply because his most important role on his team is being a hitter?
No, they wouldn't.
Personally I'm sort of sick of pitchers being coddled like they are. The best starting pitchers are generally among the highest paid players in the game. This despite the fact that they only pitch in about 35 games a year or so and they almost always have a pitch limit - whether it be the number of pitches in a game, or as see in the case of some younger pitchers (Stephen Strasburg ring a bell anyone?)- innings in a season. With the possible exception of NFL quarterbacks they are the most coddled athletes in the world.

I won't argue that pitchers have been, in most cases. not as good at hitting as position players. But I think the reason that a good number of MLB pitchers look even worse now at the plate than they did 30-40 years ago is the existence of the DH at other levels. The NCAA uses the DH, ALL of the affiliated minor league teams use it (even those affiliated with NL clubs). the Independent Leagues use it - even some states use it at the high school level.
It's no wonder MLB pitchers can't hit. You take some guy that pitches 4 years in college, add 3-4 years of minor league ball to that and he may not have picked up a bat in a competitive situation in 8-12 years.
My guess is that the adage that was true in my day ( I played high school ball in the late 1970s) is still true today - that the best athletes in high school ball are very often the pitchers. That would lead me to believe that a good number of those guys who have the ability to move on to the next levels, be it college or pro ball, were pretty damn good hitters at one time.

If it were up to me, I would eliminate the DH rule. Let the player's union ***** all they want - the rule being eliminated would NOT create "fewer jobs" - last time I checked the rosters for AL and NL teams were the same size - it would only perhaps change WHO filled those jobs. But do it in stages. Start with the Rookie and Class A leagues first - eliminate it their one season. The next season you eliminate it from AA ball. Then you get rid of it at the AAA level the next year. And in the fourth season you get rid of I at the major league level. And I would, at the same time, encourage the NCAA and the state high school associations to eliminate it as well. That would give the young pitchers coming up a chance to get their "batting chops" back, it would allow anyone who has made a living solely being a DH time to reacquaint himself with his mitt or glove, and it would give the poor fans who think the DH is the be all end all a chance to see that the problems supposedly (solved) by the existence of a DH might have been made even greater as a result of it being so prevalent at other levels of the game.

Keep in mind one last thing - the AL decided on their own to implement the DH. If they feel their teams are at some sort of disadvantage as a result of not having that rule available in games at NL parks, they should change rather than expect the NL teams to change.
2015-07-13 4:35 pm
wrong. they should take the DH out of the AL
2015-07-10 8:57 am
I don't agree. I could see that happening, and I guess it'd be okay if it is ONLY used in interleague games. That's it though. I prefer NL rules. Some pitchers can really hit though. Besides, if the DH was everywhere, we'd miss the greatness that is Bartolo Colon batting.
2015-07-12 5:08 am
The DH should be used. The AL and NL are really the same league now and should play by the same rules.
2015-07-10 5:22 pm
I 100% disagree
the DH need to be eliminated PERIOD
2015-07-10 5:26 pm
I'm okay with the present DH thing.
What I'd like to happen is to remove the intentional walk altogether.
2015-07-14 10:29 pm
The game is baseball. DHers are not not baseball players. They only play half a game.
2015-07-11 5:21 pm
Disagree, no need to change anything that is not broken to begin with.
2015-07-11 3:46 am
Why are we always trying to make it easier on pitchers? They play 80% less games than position players and we protect them like their arms will explode any second.

Get rid of the DH altogether. It doesn't make for more offense. I'd rather see a 3-2 or 4-3 game than an 8-7 game anyway.
2015-07-10 5:10 am
2015-07-10 4:14 am
Are you sure you wanted to say AL pitchers? Because that makes no sense either. How would the NL having a DH make it easier on the AL pitchers?
2015-07-10 3:17 am
Then they'd be no difference between the AL and NL. What fun is that?
2015-07-10 3:15 am
I would prefer they not, but if they have to, it should strictly be used only in interleague games
2015-07-10 12:35 pm
They need to install the DH because it makes for a more attractive game from the fans point of view. The casual fan who goes to a couple games a year with his family and actually spends money I mean. They like offense.
2015-07-10 5:07 am
Get rid of it entirely..

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