How long will it take to lose 15-20 pounds by running?

2015-07-09 4:17 pm
Im 5'5 and 140 pounds.
I run 5 miles a day 5-6x a week & eat 1200 calories (of healthy food)

How long will it likely take me to lose 15-20 pounds?

回答 (3)

2015-07-09 4:21 pm
being female 3-4 pounds a week. Mix up your workouts. Try speed intervals and other sports.

water is your best friend.
Greens and healthy protein, you are not eating enough calories.
2015-07-09 4:37 pm
You're building muscle, and may gain weight before you lose any. 5 miles a day (unless you're used to this) is a lot to start with. Try half a mile and increase it each week by another half mile. 15-20 lbs it will take until around November of 2015 if you do this everyday.
2015-07-09 4:19 pm
most people that actually do it right lose about 2 lbs a week. soooo 7-9 weeks

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