247 請幫我修辭及訂正錯誤

2015-07-09 1:28 pm

這不是我的研究報告, 也不是我的作業, 我已經六十多歲, 退休十多年了. 我只是對朝鮮時代的人物和發生在他們身上的事很有興趣, 想弄清楚一本書的內容, 分享給同好及討論. 因此需要有人幫我修辭及訂正. 我本想低調進行, 因此以前一直以匿名發問. 希望不了解的朋友不要妄加揣測, 在發表你的意見之前請斟酌字句, 不要涉及人身攻擊, 謝謝.


― 247 ―
and so he ordered a search for ladies-in-waiting and servants who had been previously employed in any residence in the palace. For some inexplicable reason, His Majesty hired back those women who had been in the service of King Kyongjong and Queen Sonui, from Palace Matron Ch'oe down, and thus filled the five departments of Prince Sado's establishment. Returned to the very residence where they had served King Kyongjong and restored to the company they had kept in days of old, these women may have felt that they were still serving their old master King Kyongjong. At any rate, they were arrogant and hostile to the new people, and this seemingly small matter contributed to the trouble.[*] How regrettable!

於是他下令尋找那些以前受僱於宮中任何官邸的宮女. 令人費解的是, 主上重新僱用那些從宮庭崔總管之下曾服侍過景宗大王及宣懿王后的婦女, 因此補滿了思悼世子冊立的五個部門的職缺. 回到他們曾服侍過景宗大王的官邸和復職她們舊時的同伴, 這些婦女們可能覺得她們仍然在服侍她們的老主人景宗大王. 無論如何, 她們對新人傲慢和敵視, 而這看似小問題造成了麻煩. 多麼遺憾!

His Majesty was extremely devoted to this son whom he had produced so late, and until the Prince reached his fourth or fifth year, he visited Chosung Pavilion regularly, often staying over. There was no laxity in this affectionate care for his son, with whom he spent long hours. Possessing a filial nature, Prince Sado responded with the natural love of a child for his parents. Thus, for a while, the distance between the residences caused no problem. If this constant care and guidance had continued as would have been likely in an ordinary family, there would have been no strain.

主上非常鍾愛這個老來得子的兒子, 直到王子四歲或五歲, 他經常在儲承殿作客過夜. 他花了很長的時間深情的關懷他的兒子毫不鬆懈. 擁有孝順的天性, 思悼世子以一個孩子自然的愛回應他的父母. 因此, 有一陣子, 住所之間的距離沒有造成問題. 如果這持續的關心和指導,像一個普通的家庭一樣的繼續下去, 就不會有任何壓力.

However, the fate of the nation was not to be so fortunate. His Majesty's sagacious heart became irritated with small things at the Prince's quarters, mostly imperceptible and of an

unspecified nature. Consequently, without really knowing why, he visited his son less frequently. This happened just as the Prince began to grow; that is just when a child,


suffering some inattention or relaxation of control, might easily fall under other influences. As the Prince was often left to himself at this stage, he began to get into trouble.


然而, 國家的命運並沒有那麼幸運. 主上睿智的心因王子住處的小事變得惱怒, 通常是極細微和不確定的類別. 因此,不知道爲什麼, 他探望兒子的頻率變少了. 這正好發生在王子剛開始長大; 只是當一個孩子任憑一些疏忽或放鬆控制,很容易受其他因素的影響. 由於這階段王子經常被獨自留下, 他開始陷入困境.


Of all his children, Princess Hwap'yong was by far His Majesty's favorite. In muo (1738) Lord Kumsong[1] ; was chosen to be Princess Hwap'yong's husband. Before the wedding, he was


invited to come to the Crown Prince's residence to play with Prince Sado. As the designated spouse for his beloved daughter, His Majesty treated him with particular consideration.


在他所有的孩子中, 和平翁主顯然是主上的最愛. 於戊午(1738)年, 錦城尉被選為和平翁主的丈夫. 在婚禮之前, 他受邀到世子官邸與思悼世子一起玩. 作為他心愛的女兒的指定配偶, 主上對他特別的關心. I have noted that the ladies-in-waiting at the Crown Prince's 我注意到世子官邸的宮女們曾服侍過景宗大王.


[*] Yongjo had a complicated relationship to his half brother Kyongjong. He repeatedly endured charges that he had murdered his brother. It is possible that he reemployed these ladies as a way of expressing his loyalty to his brother. See JaHyun Kim Haboush, A Heritage of Kings: One Man's


Monarchy in the Confucian World (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988), 122-25. *英祖與他同父異母的兄長景宗有一種複雜的關係. 他一再忍受他謀殺了兄長的指控. 重新僱用這些婦女可能是他對兄長表達忠誠的一種方式. 詳見金滋炫著作, 諸王的一項傳承, 在孔夫子世界 (紐約: 哥倫比亞大學出版社, 1988), 122-25.


[1]Lord Kumsong was Pak Myongwon (1725-1790). Later, he headed ambassadorial missions to China on several occasions. [註1]錦城尉朴明源(1725-1790). 後來, 他多次率領使節團到中國.


― 248 ― residence had previously served King Kyongjong.


補滿了思悼世子冊立的五個部門的職缺. 應更正為 補滿了思悼世子冊禮都監五個部門的職缺.


宮庭崔總管 應更正為 崔尚宮.

回答 (3)

2015-07-15 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
― 247 ―

於是他下令尋找那些以前曾受僱於宮中任何官邸的宮女及僕人. 令人費解的是, 主上重新僱用那些曾從宮庭崔總管之下曾服侍過景宗大王及宣懿王后? 的婦女, 因此補滿了思悼世子冊立設置的五個部門的職缺. 回到他們曾服侍過景宗大王的官邸和並回復職她們舊時的工作同伴, 這些婦女們可能覺得她們仍然在服侍她們的老主人—景宗大王. 無論如何, 她們對新人傲慢和敵視意, 而這看似小問題却造成了麻煩. 多麼遺憾!

主上非常鍾愛這個老來得子如此晚才生得的兒子, 直到王子四歲或五歲時,他經常在訪視儲承殿作客並過夜. 他花了很長的時間深情的地關懷他的兒子毫不鬆懈. 因擁有孝順的天性, 思悼世子以一個孩子自然的愛回應他的父母. 因此, 有一陣子, 住所之間的距離並沒有造成問題. 如果這持續的關心和指導像一個普通的家庭一樣的繼續下去, 就不會有任何壓力.

然而, 這國家的命運並沒有那麼幸運. 主上睿智的心因王子住處的小事變得惱怒, 通常都是極細微和且本質不確定的類別事. 因此結果,不知道爲什麼, 他探望兒子的頻率變少了.這正好發生在王子剛開始長大的時候; 只是當一個孩子任憑受苦於一些疏忽或放鬆控制的鬆散時,很容易受其他因素的屈服於其他的影響. 由於這階段王子經常被獨自留下, 他開始陷入困境.
在他所有的孩子中, 和平翁主顯然是主上的最喜愛的. 於戊午(1738)年, 錦城尉被選為和平翁主的丈夫. 在婚禮之前, 他受邀到前往世子官邸與思悼世子一起玩. 作為他心愛的女兒的指定配偶, 主上對他特別的關心.


*英祖與他同父異母的兄長景宗有一種複雜的關係. 他一再忍受他謀殺了兄長的指控. 重新僱用這些婦女可能是他對兄長表達忠誠的一種方式. 詳見金滋炫著作, 諸王的一項傳承, 在孔夫子世界裡的一種男性君主政體 (紐約: 哥倫比亞大學出版社, 1988), 122-25.
[註1]錦城尉朴明源(1725-1790). 後來, 他多次率領使節團到中國. 補滿了思悼世子冊立的五個部門的職缺. 應更正為

補滿了思悼世子冊禮都監五個部門的職缺. 宮庭崔總管 應更正為 崔尚宮.

2015-07-15 17:09:01 補充:
2015-07-12 7:18 pm

謝謝你的回答. 不過這不是我需要的.


雖然我很努力把它翻譯成中文(這只是因為我想了解它的內容), 但一定有錯誤的地方所以需要有人幫我修辭和訂正.

至於英文部份我想應該沒什麼太大問題, 因為它是一位韓裔美籍教授翻譯的.

我本來想寫信去問這位教授, 因為她專精於韓國歷史與文學(所以我認為我若寫中文,她應該也看得懂). 但很遺憾, 她已過世多年.

你用英文回答, 對我來說是雞同鴨講. 我的英文沒那麼好.


2015-07-12 12:19:03 補充:

我讀這樣一頁, 把它寫成中文, 可能要花上一整天(前面強調過,我的英文能力有限), 不是只有90分鐘.

以我有限的英文能力,把內容寫成中文一定有錯誤或不通順的地方. 所以我找人幫忙修辭和訂正.

我並沒有勉強任何人來作答. 當然, 願意幫忙的我會很感激.

到了我這年紀, 過退休生活, 我只是想看看書, 看看韓劇. 聽聽音樂(因為有歌詞的,除了中文歌外我也聽不懂, 所以多半聽純音樂.)

你看我的暱稱也該知道, 我是在做生意, 但我只賣童裝(我也沒在知識+打廣告). 我沒在賣書(請不要誤會). 家裡倒是可以開圖書館, 因為我喜歡買書, 看書.

2015-07-13 06:46:46 補充:
請不要再用英文回答, 謝謝.

2015-07-15 10:36:54 補充:
上次忘了說,朝鮮王朝, 王的正室配偶, 在世時稱為王妃, 過世後追諡為王后. 其餘在世為後宮(有不同的階級), 過世後亦會追諡封號.

另外, 王大妃(王的嫡母), 大王大妃(王的嫡祖母) 也是一樣. 我也是邊看邊學.

2015-07-15 11:08:54 補充:
後宮(只是一個通稱)的最高品階為嬪, 另外有 昭儀, 淑儀, 昭容, 昭媛, 淑媛, 貴人, 守則, 內人, 尚宮(這是比較特殊的, 通常稱為承恩尚宮, 可能還有其他品階)...等.

而像思悼世子, 除了惠慶宮之外, 其他都統稱為妾.

2015-07-15 11:11:32 補充:
維基百科就有一個專頁介紹 尚宮

2015-07-15 17:16:36 補充:
2015-07-12 12:08 pm

Errors and Corrections:-
How dare you used to show off (condemned note bk) about something that somebody was forced to read?
How dare you want all ,not 1/8 only,to be translated like that,and don't learn yourself ?
How dare you imply that copy-right was useless?You just copy from a computer in a particular order !
How dare you were wasting 90 mins on each translation-responser at least;Don't post 8 paragraphies for a dare !
(1)So he ordered a search for those (previously employed in the Palace)as ladies-in-waiting&servants. Puzzling was that His Majesty employed back those women who had been in the service of King Kyongjong&Queen Sonui, from Palace Matron Ch'oe's employment lists.
(2)And so it filled the 5 Departments of Prince Sado's system establishment.
(3)Returning to the former residence where they had been serving King Kyongjong&restored to their former companion position, they might feel that they were still serving their old master King Kyongjong. (In any case), they were arrogant&hostile to the new men-servant,&that this seemingly small matter contributed(=caused) the trouble later.
How regrettable ! (=What a pity !)

2015-07-13 00:30:41 補充:
Can't say how good Am.Prof.of Korean origin is handling the translation on Hist&Lit.!!!I repeat rhetorical question of a speech or piece of writing intended to influence readers, but not completely honest or sincere.

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