Best Western movie?

2015-07-09 1:32 am

回答 (15)

2015-07-10 6:49 pm
b&w - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
color - The War Wagon
2015-07-09 3:02 am
My all time favorite is 'Unforgiven' with Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman & Morgan Freeman. 'Tombstone' with Kurt Russel, Val Kilmer & Michael Beihn is a close second.

: )
2015-07-11 11:59 pm
1. Unforgiven
2. Open Range
3. Bite the Bullet
2015-07-11 11:16 am
Red River
2015-07-11 3:54 am
My personal three favorites are these, in order:

-Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone's masterpiece. From the hauntingly beautiful music, to Henry Fonda as the bad guy, to the whole setup and how badass yet artistic and graceful it is... every shot in this is like a still painting, if you were to pause it)

-True Grit (the Coen Brothers proving that a John Wayne film can be outdone by far, plus it's a far better adaptation of the book)

-Tombstone (simple western badass fun!)

2015-07-10 5:29 pm
The long riders
2015-07-10 3:35 am
The Shootest..
2015-07-09 1:36 am
Red River and Broken Arrow (with Jimmy Stewart) are two really good ones.
2015-07-13 2:31 am
Django Unchained
True Grit
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
2015-07-11 4:59 pm
3:10 to Yuma
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Both of them are great movies that I loved
2015-07-10 12:08 pm
Unforgiven. It's a masterpiece, truly.
2015-07-09 10:31 pm
The longest ride
2015-07-09 3:49 am
3:10 to Yuma
2015-07-09 6:12 am
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
2015-07-09 1:34 am
I have stayed at Best Westerns many times, however, I have never seen a movie about the popular hotel chain. Do you know any actors in the film? That may help.

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