Do you have to let you apartment know if you are required to have a service animal?

2015-07-09 12:01 am
Just recently found out that my son is qualified for a service dog but the thing is my mom is living qith us and ahe has 2 emotional support dogs. Is this going to cauae any trouble?

回答 (13)

2015-07-09 12:23 am
In your last post you wanted an emotional support dog for your own bipolar issues and claimed you roommate already had 2 dogs.

Why the games?
2015-07-09 2:00 pm
They cannot deny a certified service animal. They can deny ESA, which are not covered under the ADA.
2015-07-09 4:16 am
It isn't fair to the animals to have that many dogs in an apartment. Dogs shouldn't be in apartments at all. They need yards.
2015-07-09 12:30 am
YES you still must get the animal approved. They are legally required to consider it. They are not legally required to allow it especially with 2 dogs already in the unit. All you can do is submit a reasonable accommodation request & see if they allow it or not.

An emotional support animal is NOT a service animal & is not protected under the ADA laws. The only state I am aware of that includes ESA is Oregon.
參考: Landlord Oregon 10 yrs.
2015-07-11 3:44 am
Most landlords would be up in arms at the idea of adding a3rddog to the apartment.
2015-07-10 5:13 am
from what I understand emotional support dogs aren't really accepted everywhere like those for physically handicapped people so you might run into a trouble. And it's only one emotional support dog to each person that's on that kind of disability so I don't know what you're mom's trying to pull over on the system or the landlord.
But how are you going to have 3 dogs in one apartment (it's like 6 people living there). What kind of service dog does your child need? What's wrong with sharing grandma's support dog? Anyway prior to moving in a person needs to notify the landlord and pay a non-refundable fee for that dog, for any dog. Just being qualified for a dog doesn't mean he needs one. Like can you afford a dog in your life? If you could then you wouln't be living with your mother. I'd say don't get another dog.
Most times when you want to add things to a lease they consider eviction. Maybe it would be just as well to let sleeping does lay.
2015-07-10 2:07 pm
Any basic phys student is able to look through this sham.

You are a dog loving family and would do anything to have dog for each member of your family. Your mother has 2 such animals for physical or mental support. Now you want to add a third because some doctor will sign a document indicating he need a service support dog.

Most landlords would be up in arms at the idea of adding a 3rd dog to the apartment.

Your current landlord might be required to accept the dog, based on the laws of your state governing support dogs.

You can bet your life that your landlord would be looking at the smallest reason to have you legally evicted from his/her rental property.

You might also look at the possibility of not getting you deposit returned to you.

It might be to your benefit, if you want to own many animals, to buy yourself a house.

Many landlords that are dog and pet owners are reaching their limit as to the legal term of support animal and being required to have these animals living in their rental units. The ones that do not allow animals, are using other excuses to deny renting to potential tenants with these animals.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2015-07-09 1:23 am
possibly as there will be several animals now
2015-07-09 4:57 am
You have to get a dog that will get along with the other two.
2015-07-09 12:48 am
Actually the controlling authority in regard to rental is the federal/State fair housing statue and not the ADA which also comes into play and ESA are cover under the Fair housing So Mimi posted is incorrect when discussing rentals and service animals under fair housing laws
2015-07-12 11:04 am
Most landlords would be up in arms at the idea of adding a 3rd dog to the apartment.
2015-07-10 12:46 am
Doubt it
2015-07-09 7:03 pm
2015-07-09 4:02 am
Here ALL dogs and cats - service or not- get approved with 200$ deposit and full up to date vaccination as required by law.

Got none of that and animals service or not can't get in legally.

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