
2015-07-08 1:05 am
1. 當曰前車見黃燈想衝埋,但特然又煞車吾衝,我就從後撞向他,事後警察來到之後吹波仔..發現他超標44微克,我係咪有權吾賠償俾前車呢?


依加佢揾左公証行報價要整$50000,佢本來都要我賠足,但佢可能知自己都有理虧,最後叫我只賠$10000大家就甘算..賠左件事就已私了,但吾賠我就要報保險, 所以我都吾知賠吾賠俾佢好..希望大家可以幫幫忙解答依個難題(萬二分感謝)!

回答 (2)

2015-07-08 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案


參考: 希望可以幫到你!
2015-07-08 1:57 am
1. No. You will still be liable for the damage caused by you, although your responsibility will be lower.

How much you can reduce your liability depends on the evidence you (not the drunk driver) can prove that the drunk driving is a cause to the accident.

2. You only heard the partial story.

It is true that insurance companies deny claims based on criminal acts. However, the key is the criminal act must link to the accident. In this case, you caused the accident. Unless you or the company can prove that there is causation between the accident and drunk driving, the criminal act does not relieve you or insurance from liabilities.

You will definitely have a record. The least impact, to you, is premium increase.

In summary, the settlement amount is more than fair. In fact, it is a good deal.

You should take it.

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