
2015-07-07 6:28 pm


1.重讀與自修的分別,原校重讀(jupas)? 自修(non-jupas)?



我真的很想入讀大學,但自資學位/副學士等,我擔心其學費過於高昂、認受性不足、拚不上大學便如失敗了一樣),應否以一年時間,給自己一次機會重讀或自修,這比起讀副學士/HD 更好?

回答 (3)

2015-07-07 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 聯紹是必須經學校提交學生資料,所以重讀是jupa,而自修是non-jupas.

2. 不能說jupas位多於non-jupas,只是用jupas申請人數一定會比non-jupas多很多,大學始終還是着重你的成績,所以每年都收不少大陸尖子,而數量相當多.

3. 事實重讀和自修相比當然大學會對自修生要求高點,但重讀生也非有着數,因為大學會對重讀生和自修生的學分比非重讀生較高,假設你之前取3分,重讀後取4分,但大學會對這批學生要求高1至2分,所以你可能在大學心目中比3還要底,而且大學對於你是中中定英中也計算在內,所以如果你想重讀或自修最好問下你老師意見,因為佢最清楚你成績.

入大學是每位學生夢想,條條大道通羅馬,現在有很多方法取得學士學位資格,當然要用多點錢,其實自資學位/副學士有部份學費和大學差不多,佢貴在於其後果2年自資學士,現在約每unit $2800再乘共修多少個unit(大學一般要求每年需修60 unit以上),你可以在放榜前查清楚,因為如果你之前無先申請過可能冇學位比你,所以放榜當天就要到各收生地點問還有沒有學位,重有記得帶定幾千元交留位費(可能要到幾間留位,留位費每間都收幾百元),當然希望你考得好好,唔先煩.

其實自資學位/副學士如果在就讀2年間成績都是爆GPA,即GPS有3.6以上(3.4機會率冇咁高),可申請回到資助大學讀書,但大學可能要求你由year 1開始讀,也有可能比你由year 3繼績讀.

2015-07-07 11:24 pm
The answers are based on all previous questions and responses.

1. 2 major differences:

a. As a private (self-study) candidate, you must complete all processes by yourself, including HKDSE registrations, payment, as well as JUPAS application.

(Private candidates are eligible for JUPAS if the candidates are HKDSE examinees of the same year as JUPAS.)

As a repeater, your school will still need to do all the works for you.

b. For the HKDSE subjects that include SBA, your exam result will be adjusted to exclude the non-existence of SBA.

2. They are both the same - slim chances.

Again - HKDSE is simply not designed for everyone to do well.

3. Neither - A sub-degree program and an early non-JUPAS application.

Let me make this simple for you -

Retaking HKDSE next year (in any capacities) is a gamble. There is no guarantee that your goal can be met. Of course, sub-degree programs are problematic as well.

But the difference is if in case higher education is not for you, you will know it right away when you choose sub-degree programs. Otherwise, you are simply repeating your history.

At the least - your future is more clear when you choose sub-degree programs than retaking HKDSE and hope for the best after spending 1 year.
2015-07-07 8:56 pm

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