Which zodiac sign correspond to feminism?

2015-07-07 4:23 am

回答 (5)

2015-07-07 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Virgo's symbol is a woman.
參考: Google
2015-07-07 4:24 am
the kitten
2015-07-08 1:11 pm
the earth (taurus, virgo, & capricorn) and water signs (pisces, cancer, & scorpio)
2015-07-07 7:59 am
The ignorant feminazi.
2015-07-07 3:05 pm
All of them do because the feminine ones (water/earth) like feminineness naturally and the masculine ones (air/fire) respect feminineness when they develop their brains enough and learn the meaning of it.

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