Can you get parole if you got sent to prison for violation of probation?

2015-07-07 1:42 am
Are you eligible for parole if you got sent to prison for violation of probation of a suspended sentence? How much time will you have to serve until you can apply for parole? Sentenced to 27 months. Nevada Department Of Corrections

回答 (4)

2016-06-03 1:30 pm
參考: Criminal Record Search Database -
2015-07-07 4:58 am
Nope! Violating probation means you blew it!
2015-07-07 3:44 am
If his sentence was ONLY 27 months, he won't be eligible for parole. It takes longer than that to schedule a parole hearing and receive a ruling from the parole board.
2015-07-07 1:43 am

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