People who don't let their gf/bf/spouse talk to the opposite sex and check each other's phones: Why?

2015-07-06 5:25 pm
I don't understand these kinds of relationships. I've seen the excuses, but they don't make sense in my mind. They just make me think the couple has trust issues.

If you think your significant other will cheat on you the moment you leave them unsupervised, why are you with them? It isn't about "being number one to him/her" or "having nothing to hide." If your partner respects you, there should be no reason for you to be suspicious of who they're with or talking to. Why do you want to be with someone you think has no respect for you? Jealousy is one thing, trying to control your partner in attempt to share a brain is another.

回答 (5)

2015-07-06 5:32 pm
I couldn't agree more Amber. Jealousy is one sure way to destroy a relationship. And being controlling is definitely going to bring about resentment.

Some people tend to do it because they were cheated on in the past. Others do it because they are either cheating or thinking about it. I am my own person, so treating me a certain way based on someone else's actions will leave you looking for another partner very fast.
2015-12-04 9:10 pm
I agree. I trust my boyfriend and feel no need to go through his phone. Of course, he is very open and will do anything on his phone while I'm sitting right next to him, too (though I make a point of looking away and not being very interested; because I do trust him).
2015-07-06 5:30 pm
I'm with you on the trust issues. But people can show you love and respect but can be cheating on you. Some people can feel that their spouse is cheating because they can feel it in their gut. So it's not always the same with some people.
2015-07-06 5:32 pm
i dont understand either they must have trust issues. but i do have a problem with people looking at my bookmarks because they are privete.
2015-07-06 5:27 pm
If you don't trust...don't hang about.

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