麻煩幫手翻譯英文 - 俾人事部

2015-07-07 6:26 am
A同事因有一日遲到2小時, 而且沒有按照規定時間9點前打電話返公司, 現建議人事部對同事A發出口頭警告並以書面形式作實, 藉此警惕同事及希望同事作出改善.


回答 (2)

2015-07-07 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

A同事因有一日遲到2小時, 而且沒有按照規定時間9點前打電話返公司, 現建議人事部對同事A發出口頭警告並以書面形式作實, 藉此警惕同事及希望同事作出改善.
Subject: Report of delay of attendance
Dear Sir/Madam
Human Resources Dep't
It is my duty to keep the discipline in office as one of my staff, xxxxx who was two hours delay in attending office several days ago without phoned me up in advance. Owing to this, I do wish your dep't on behalf me to send an official warning letter to xxxxx so as to let him/her realize and keeping up with the discipline in office. Thank you.
Marketing Dep't
參考: Myself
2015-07-07 9:19 am
HR Dept.,
For attention of---
Dear Sir/Madam,
----------------Report of lateness of staff-----
-----In pursuance of provision of discipline of a colleague(Name--Post(PR) ) on a certain date, was 2 hrs late without phoned me up before 9 o'clock.
-----It is recommended that HR would give the said staff a verbal warning and confirmed in official writing to the colleague to alert to his/her lateness.
----Gina Ng,
----The Management

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