物管客戶服務的日常用語 (英文)

2015-07-06 11:43 pm



回答 (3)

2015-07-07 4:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When a tenant talks to a security-guard=watchman=ct,Q and A are as follows:-
(samples only):-
Q:-Is the building secure against burglars/crime?
A:-We've tight security measures.We register visitors name,ID cards in an Incident Report Book.

Q:-Do you guarded the building safely?
A:-We patrol the building three times a day.Police forces or Our Inspector whose duty it is to help us to protect important people and place here in the building.

Q:-Do you protect life and property?
A:-During storm we secure indoor-property;and give out Warnings !!!

Q:-How about water&electricity supply?
A:-We send for the workmen to maintain&repair immediately.

Q:-How about Air-Con. leaking upstairs/noise ?
A:-We inform the said floor immediately by phoning&posting.

Q:-Is the lift secure against trap for us owners?
A:-We'll phone-call Lift-Co.to release you/or Fire-Services Dept.to save you all.

Q:-How do we pay the management fees to you?
A:-Please Pay by cheques and put into the Owner-Management office letter box;Okay?

2015-07-16 08:16:20 補充:
Your posting is too vague&too much demands.Haven't the slightest idea what you want---too much unnecessary accessories(=5x5) suggesting uncertainty about your needs from C/E,pl.
2015-07-15 12:49 am
見到「88」嘅模擬問題, 真係暈得......現實中客戶會問這些問題嗎?

此題太空泛, 建議樓主用中文擬定某些常遇之問題加一般正路回答, 再求網友翻譯成英文, 可能令網友較易作答。
2015-07-07 4:42 am
A: How are you doing today?

B: I am fine. Thank You


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