問問有關英文tense 問題

2015-07-06 6:29 pm
我一出ABC Restaurant 就講"I just had lunch in ABC Restaurant. There were many tables and people in the restaurant." 想問問係這個情況下,以上句子既tenses 有無問題。

回答 (2)

2015-07-06 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我一出ABC餐廳就講“我只是吃了午飯在ABC餐廳。有很多表,人們在餐廳。 非常有問題
2015-07-09 8:52 pm
(1) “ just had lunch ” 顯示了事件發生的時間:
“just” --- 「剛剛」,即剛發生了 --à 用 simple past tense.
(2) “吃 lunch” 和 “見到restaurant內有 many tables and many people” 是同一時間發生的 -à 同用 simple past tense。

“ I just had lunch in ABC restaurant. There were many tables and many people in the restaurant. ” ---- 文法上冇錯!*** ****** *** *** *** ***

兩句好像有點 「不妥」,對嗎?理由是:
(i) " many tables in the restaurant ” is a FACT,不會受時間影響 (∴ 永遠是 present tense)
(ii)" many people in the restaurant ” 只是當你吃 lunch 那段時間的情況。
(∴可以是 present tense / past tense....視乎你講這一句時,距離你看到 “ many people ...... ”的時候有多遠)所以,把 “many tables” 和 “many people” 連一起來一拼講,實在「不妥當」!要交代得好些,可以這樣寫:
- "I just had lunch in ABC restaurant. I found it quite a big restaurant with a lot of tables. Just then, there were many people inside.”
- “ I just had lunch in ABC restaurant, which is * quite a big restaurant with a lot of tables. There were many people inside at that time.”( *Use is : 因為 " ABC restaurant has a lot of tables” 是「永遠對」的事實)

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