Cool things to do on the Macbook Air?

2015-07-05 4:55 pm
Literally got one like 10 mins ago..
So I've seen videos and stuff and they do like music making, graphic designing etc
Im 16 so nothing too fancy to start off with cus i don't really know what i'm doing lol

回答 (4)

2015-07-05 4:55 pm
2015-07-05 5:01 pm
play games on it and stuff. if you're into graphic design, see if they have courses at your high school you could take to see if you're interested.
2015-07-05 4:58 pm
Why did you buy it if you have no idea what you want to do with it?

Most people use Macbooks just like they would a PC...internet surfing and word processing.
2015-07-05 6:30 pm
Download your music to iTunes
Download EA Origin and Steam so you can download free games
Download Microsoft Office 2016 for free from here
Check the App store for cool indie games like Ninja jump and Supercars Racing
Download smcfan if you want your Macbook to run cooler

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