Buckingham Palace (London) Nearby Areas?

2015-07-05 4:44 am
Hi there,

I'm a tourst and planning to visit Buckingham Palace. What are some other places for tourists to visit in the nearby area? Thanks a lot

回答 (9)

2015-07-05 6:46 am
Victoria Monument/St James & Green Parks/The Royal Mews/Walk down The Mall to Trafalgar Square/Guard's Museum/ Horse Guard Parade
參考: Map and a London Guide book ( they are free at Libraries)
2015-07-05 11:37 am
China town.
2015-07-05 7:28 am
Everything. LOOK AT A MAP!!!!
2015-07-08 8:13 am
You will be in CENTRAL London. So buy a tourist map and LOOK at it. There are 1000's of things to look at and visit.
2015-07-05 8:56 pm
Westminister abbey, tower of london,windsor castle,palace of westminister( houses of parliament) st pauls catherdral, to name a few.
2015-07-05 9:54 am
Green Park
St James; Park
Westminster (Big Ben)
Westminster Abbey
Piccadilly Circus
Covent Garden
All within walking distance of Buckingham Palace. Buy yourself a 'A to Z Street Map' of London
2015-07-05 7:29 am
Loads of websites about visiting London.
2015-07-05 6:31 am
There are hundreds if not thousands of places to visit,
You will be in London,one of the greatest cities in the world.

Just buy yourself a guide and you will be amazed what you will discover just by walking for a short period.
2015-07-05 5:33 am
Buckingham Palace is in the middle of London. You can get anywhere else in London on the Underground easily. Look up a guide to London- try frommers.com, fodor.com or the Rick Steve's site. Find some things that interest you.

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