Is there a practical way to break out of writer's block?

2015-07-05 3:24 am

回答 (12)

2015-07-05 4:44 am
I agree, just write whatever pops into your head. It might sound like crap, but that's honestly what drafting is about. You get the lackluster writing out of the way for the sake of actually finishing a novel.
2015-07-05 3:41 am
There is no such thing as "writer's block". Just write.
2015-07-05 3:26 am
Yes. Force yourself to keep writing. Even if it's not good. That's what editing's for
2015-07-05 4:55 am
I don't get blocked, as in that I don't know what to write, but I do get really preoccupied with certain sections, often writing and rewriting the same thing, or starting a story (every beginning is preceded by the beginning before it; where does one start?).

Something that helps is just stepping back, doing something else for a day or two, then returning to the project. Anything else is just a waste of time.
2015-07-05 3:48 am
It may sound silly and rude, but it's literally as simple as this: write. Do not make the mistake of waiting for inspiration, because if you think about it, if you only write when you're inspired, you're not going to write that much. You have to write when it's hard, because the only thing in your way is something in your mind, and the only way to get around that, is to write. It'll help you in the future when you find yourself blocked up, because you'll know that it's all in your head and that writer's block is just an illusion, more so an excuse.

2015-07-05 3:31 am
It's different for everyone. People always say "take your mind off of writing." That doesn't work for me. I'm always thinking about it. So I just go out and observe everything and ask myself, "how can this translate into a story, scene, plot, character, etc." But that may not work for you. Try everything that is suggested to you until you find your niche.
2015-07-05 3:28 am
Go for a walk. Try not to think about what you're trying to write about, just enjoy the world and what's going on around you. Random ideas will come to you from what you see.
2015-07-05 3:27 am
Make a plot about what you want to write. Even something as simple as
'Bob and Mike go to mall'
'They buy ice cream'
'Bob drops the ice&Mike laughs'

This is something I do when I start writing. it gives me a clear vision of how I want my story to go and after getting the plot done you can start writing the story itself.
2015-07-05 3:29 am
I usually drink or go out on a road trip somewhere. Or I go on a road trip then come home and get drunk off my a** while watching CSI.
2015-07-06 10:46 pm
Write! Write! Write! Write something every day...even if it's nothing but crap. In doing so there may be an underlying story that will spring to mind.
2015-07-06 5:38 am
No, just keep on writing. When u have writer's block it means you can come up with original ideas.
2015-07-05 3:32 am
Not really. Just let it go and wait for inspiration to hit again.

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