Do we have to pay a monthly payment to eBay?

2015-07-04 11:15 pm
I got an invoice of $21 for I don't know. I got this last time but I just ignored it. This is a monthly invoice for what?

回答 (4)

2015-07-05 12:50 am
Look in "my eBay" under the Account tab. Selling on eBay is not free. Opening a store is not free.
2015-07-05 1:45 am
If you are a seller there are monthly listing fees, at one time they offered a limited number of free listings, I am not sure of the status of that.

If you just was a one time buyer, maybe there is an identity theft issue,
2015-07-05 12:08 am
Ignoring eBay invoices is almost always a good idea. Especially if you want to keep using it.
2015-07-04 11:32 pm
E bay sends out invoices for items sold (that is their fee) on their site

Contact them and ask they would know better than we would

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