between 可以簡寫做 btw 嗎?

2015-07-05 2:31 am
between 可以簡寫做 btw 嗎?

回答 (7)

2015-07-05 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Doctors rely on CAT scans.
Most American business graduates like to have an MBA degree from Harvard.
Abbreviations abound in all walks of modern life.
Only common ones are deciphered.

between 可以簡寫做 btw.
btw. = between (小心要 "細草", 有 full stop (句點) at the end)
亦有人用 btwn = between

如果是大草, BTW 是解 by the way
在 Internet chat 和 e-mail 常用

2015-07-06 01:33:10 補充:
BTW = By the way
BTW = between

美國網上縮寫來源, 信不信你自己決定

我信英國 Penguin 出版社
btw. 或者 btwn = between
參考: New Penguin Dictionary of Abbreviations
2015-07-06 12:36 am

btw = by the way
參考: 自己
2015-07-05 4:11 am
btw全寫應該系by the word
2015-07-05 4:01 am
The preposition in the middle of two words, between---betwixt is btw.
"betwixt" has no intermediate space for letter (n).
2015-07-05 3:57 am
I don't know why my frnds always start their conversations with btwbtwbtwbtw...........but we are talking the same topics!
2015-07-05 3:44 am
簡寫 無一定的標準,大家看得明白就可以。

btwn 或 btw 都很易明,無問題。

2015-07-04 22:45:13 補充:
If it is used at the beginning of the sentence, then it is not "between", it is "by the way".

By the way (BTW) = 順便講講

2015-07-05 02:53:30 補充:
對,簡寫應該在最後加上 full stop 的,但現代人有很多都省略了~

2015-07-05 2:45 am
btw 係英文by the way 縮寫,by the way 中文 係「講開又講」。

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