
2015-07-05 2:30 am
我係1992年買左一個洋娃娃,但係係2005年我就丟左個洋娃娃,我宜家講"I have
bought a doll." 黎反映我曾經買過一個洋娃娃,想問問係這個情況下用現在完成式得唔得。

回答 (4)

2015-07-05 5:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is better to use the past perfect tense.

I had bought a doll in 1992, but I binned it in 2005.

This showed a past action (in 1992) which happened before another past action (in 2005). The past perfect tense is used for the earlier past action (in 1992).

Hope this can help you.

2015-07-06 09:45:20 補充:

had bought a doll in 1992 --> binned it in 2005


Do you want a doll? No, I have bought a doll already.




2015-07-06 10:00:57 補充:

其實,如果你提及買洋娃娃時,並不提及丟左個洋娃娃(即係你只係想講你以前曾經買過一個洋娃娃),咁你直接用簡單過去式(simple past tense)就可以:

I bought a doll.
2015-07-06 12:42 am
你對知識長既回答完全理解錯..... 我用中文講, 但如果你覺得有理由, 請投返比知識長.......

你係1992 年買, 相對而家, 係已經過左去極耐既事, 所以, 要用 had bought 而唔係 have, 而後來一句用過去式, 係作為對比 "買" 同 "唔見左" 既時間差.

* 呢的講法, 並無影響你買左既事實.........
參考: 自己
2015-07-05 3:51 am
Use the past perfect:-
After I had bought a doll(in 1992), I lost it (in 2005).
Sometimes irrelevant matter in the sentence must be deleted.

2015-07-04 19:53:56 補充:
According to Fulfilment,don't use present perfect, but other suitable tenses !
2015-07-05 3:47 am
似乎不要用 present perfect tense 會比較恰當,但我唔會絕對否定你。

2015-07-07 05:29:47 補充:
光明之軍 好好心機~

不如我都加一句問問,點解唔用 simple past tense?

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