is it better to move in with your significant other before getting married or is it better to move in after marriage?

2015-07-04 1:37 am
My girlfriend and i have been dating for 2 years, and its going to 3 soon, i have no doubt that shes the one i want to marry, she is 25, and im 24, we both have well paying jobs and our own apartments. i was wondering if its smart to move in before asking her to marry me, i heard thats a good way to see if you like living together. i also heard its a bad idea to move in before marriage because it may ruin the relationship. i see pros and cons to both, i would think that the first few years of the marriage should be dedicated to that kind of stuff, and finding out a compromise between both partners.

回答 (7)

2015-07-04 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
After marriage! If you move in or live together before marriage you increase your likelihood for divorce.

"If the couple chooses to live together as an alternative to being married at all, the likelihood that the relationship will break up within five years is 49 percent. At the 10-year mark, a married couple has a 33 percent chance of breaking up. For the unmarried couple who is living together, the likelihood of a breakup is a whopping 62 percent."
2015-07-04 5:26 am
This is why I chose to move in after marriage. I wanted my marriage to have the newest feeling you get when starting everything together. I believe it's kinda of takes of the newest if been living together. I don't like the idea that many couples try out the living arrangements like it's just testing the water too see if works if not I can leave. You can walk away very easier too from a living arrangement or agreement easier than a marriage. Statics played a huge factor for me. I didn't want to be another divorce static. Religion was my last concern, but I choose it's for my religion as well. My parents taught us its not to live together before marriage. My sisters have all lived with their boyfriends before marriage except for me. I dated my hubby 5 years. I am the only out my 3 sisters that is married. They all broken up relationship. I believe living together before marriage degrades your values. That's just my opinion.
2015-07-04 4:43 am
Every person has their own personal opinion about this.
I say after the marriage.
My reasons are because of religious beliefs 1st. Then - when you do get married and move in together it is more special (and sweet). Also - your marriage would begin at your ceremony - and your home would begin together when you 1st become man and wife ... (that is a better beginning).
2015-07-04 6:11 am
I think its always better to move in after marriage but what worked for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone. I think you should wait but you must follow your heart.
2015-07-04 6:12 am
Real men can wait so make them wait so at least if later on they dont respect you--at least you respected yourself.
2015-07-08 6:35 pm
Get to know her before you marry her; marry her before you live as a married couple.
2015-07-04 8:17 pm
I would suggest cohabitation for at least a couple of years, before signing up for life. You are likely to find each others "personality traits" will become irritants, in that time.Better to know before getting married. My late wife and I lived together for several years before we were married. We were together for 27 years. I lived with several ladies before her, loved every one of them, but we decided not to make it permanent, after the trial.

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