What is the greatest media invention of all times that changed our lifes today?

2015-07-03 4:49 pm
Is it Television, Radio, printed media etc

回答 (19)

2015-07-03 6:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's not the media that changed our life but all kinds of negativity disasters , in the humanity that changed our life today- because only when some big disaster happens do so many people look at the television; otherwise, who cares about media?” .perhaps Nobody
2015-07-03 6:28 pm
The printed word
2015-07-03 5:01 pm
2015-07-03 10:12 pm
Moveable print. If you think the Internet has changed society, you should look at how things changed from the Middle Ages to the renaissance due largely to moveable print and the proliferation of the new sciences and ideas that came with it.
2015-07-03 7:54 pm
There have been a whole succession but the hub about which they all revolve is the computer.
2015-07-03 4:57 pm
In order:
Voice, story telling.
Pubs, alcohol.
News papers/magazines.
2015-07-03 11:23 pm
I would say the internet. But only for disciplined research. All the other b@llshit on the web is a waste of my time.
2015-07-03 8:40 pm
phonetic alphabet
2015-07-03 7:05 pm
I don't think you can line them up and pick one, they are too different. But certainly writing got it all started - the ability to record things.
2015-07-03 6:59 pm
Television has been overall the most influential source of information, even still today. Even though the computer is very influential not nearly as many people actively use it . And they did a study on which of the two people would pick over the other, TV won. I would pick computer/ Internet, but that's just me.
2015-07-03 6:06 pm
The electric guitar and amplifier.
2015-07-03 5:09 pm
Television.It has greatest and direct effect on people by mean of news channels,movies,serials,bold and good video music,violence etc.People get guided directly from tv and it is an easy way to reach them a message in effective, right and true form.
2015-07-04 5:39 am
It has converted all ordinary citizen's mind with some or the other philosophic outlook.
參考: own
2015-07-03 6:44 pm
2015-07-03 4:59 pm
Today , the internet... before that , TV.
2015-07-05 10:15 am
All of them throughout history. The internet being the latest. Mr. Interesting has it summarized well.
2015-07-04 2:39 pm
It started with the printing press. Now it is the microchip.
2015-07-03 6:52 pm
2015-07-03 5:05 pm
Any reasons for your answers?

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