升學問題! 誠求解答建議!

2015-07-03 9:20 pm


先說我的情況,我預計個人分數大約是二字頭,預計20-23分,24分是幾乎不會,而且英文科可能達不到第3級,但其他科還可以且我預計平均是第4級(無意外的話)。 當然,我有考慮大守手的情況,但我預計所有科目都能達到第二級(極大機會),但大守手的話,我預計17-19分左右,且英文不能達到第三級,以上是以最皆5科成績計算。我選修了七科,三個選修科幾乎都是理科,預計三科加總是13分左右。




回答 (2)

2015-07-03 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It depends on when you apply for non-JUPAS.

Some applied even before completion and get admitted. Some can end up completing the program without an offer.

It is a question no one (and no school) is able to answer.

2. No. You should never think about repeating. Many of your understandings are in fact myths.

a. Unless you did not prepare for your HKDSE, your chance of improving your result for the next HKDSE is very slim.

It is not an assessment on you. Instead, if HKDSE is not designed for you, no matter how hard you try, the result won't change.

b. Taken PolyU and HKCC as an example - the difference in tuition per year between a UGC Bachelor's Degree program and self-funding Associate Degree program is only about $10,000.

So even you choose to repeat, it does not mean you actually save money.

c. It is not necessary for companies to hire a person with a Bachelor's Degree or higher. In fact, companies have concerns as overqualified candidates/employees tend to have higher chance in resigning, which end up wasting companies' time and resource for training.

d. The most important - there is no guaranteed success even you choose repeating. So you could end up the same position 1 year later.

But if you choose to advance, unless you withdraw (which indicates higher education may not be for you), you will at least complete Year 1.

2015-07-04 17:45:13 補充:
1. Maybe. One of the major complaint for these sub-degree programs are disorganization, as except in certain colleges/programs, bridging is not really well-defined. So at this moment, it is difficult to say.

2015-07-04 17:55:54 補充:
The funny thing about recongition is those who suppose to ask do not ask, but those who asked are not supposed to criticize.

In my opinion, most students are blind when they choose a program. Remember - you should choose a well-designd program that will lead you to your target.

2015-07-04 18:01:09 補充:
Continued at Comment.

2015-07-04 18:04:22 補充:
This is why I have been criticizing programs from HKU SPACE and recommending PolyU HKCC as HKCC's programs are better designed.

(Declaimer - I am not associated with PolyU in any capacities.)

This is why I have been criticizing programs from HKU SPACE and recommending PolyU HKCC.

2015-07-04 18:07:36 補充:
2. No. Since there is still time, try this for yourself and you will know if repeating is an option for you.

a. Pick a subject that you have studied.

b. Look for the past papers of that subject (you must have the answer for the multiple choice).

2015-07-04 18:09:06 補充:
c. Complete the M.C. exam closed book (it is up to you if you want to study before).

d. Check the answer and get the result.

e. Repeat Step c again 1 week later for the same exam.

After that, you will know why repeating is not an option for most people.

2015-07-04 18:09:53 補充:
3. Both are JUPAS.

The eligibility of JUPAS is simple - you must take the HKDSE exam in the same year you apply for JUPAS.
2015-07-04 2:35 am
首先你一定要明白 入大學的最低要求是中文及英文一定要有3,如果你英文冇3即使你其它科有幾高都冇用,大學絕對不會收你,而且在爭大學學位時大學也會考慮你是中中定英中,當然英中一定有着數,以往要絕對有機會入大學的分數是4主科加1科最好的要22分以上,如果你只有19分左右就只能望OU博一博.

假如你英文有2,即全2,你可以申請讀2年制的副學士或HD,[如你未能達最低入學資格才要多讀1年,考到合格分後再修副學士或HD],讀完副學士或HD後大部份都有TOP UP課程,只要你能達標及比得起錢就可以繼績讀多2年取得同大學一樣的學士學位,當然有人會在副學士中取得爆GPS 3.6以上,但取這分數真的不容易,而且重要看大學本身有沒有學位比你,而且有啲學位可能大學需要你由第一年開始重讀(即再讀4年),這樣也要自己好好考慮清楚.

一般自資學士學位會以每UNIT計,平均每個UNIT 約$2800然後乘你要讀幾多個UNIT (一般需修60 UNIT以上).




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