Justin Timberlake vs Justin Bieber who is better?

2015-07-02 1:38 pm

回答 (14)

2015-07-02 2:00 pm
You are asking to the equivalent of choosing between a gold bar or a turd.
2015-07-02 1:45 pm
Justin Timberlake , no contest .
2015-07-02 1:39 pm
when your public opinion is so bad that you have to set up a roast against yourself, it's quite obvious.
2015-07-02 1:38 pm
Justin bieber
2015-07-02 2:55 pm
At least Timberlake can act and went out with Cameron Diaz
2015-07-02 2:31 pm
Honesty Justin Timberlake is better but I don't like him very much ,with his super long songs
2015-07-02 2:00 pm
Justin Timberlake.
2015-07-02 1:49 pm
JT of course. He's music made woman go crazy which was great for guys next to those woman going crazy (ie me). Biebs has a lot to learn but yeah timberlake all the way he's a heaps better musician
2015-07-02 1:48 pm
2015-07-02 1:48 pm
Justin Timberlake.
2015-07-02 1:45 pm
2015-07-02 1:45 pm
2015-07-02 1:41 pm
2015-07-02 1:39 pm

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