
2015-07-02 8:30 am

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2015-07-02 4:32 pm
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See this video first:


1. Overseas Territories (海外領土) - formerly known as crown colonies or a more modern term Dependent Territories. Basically, it is an extension of the U.K.

A famous example was colonial Hong Kong.

2. Dominion (自治領) - formerly crown colonies with limited authority of self-governance. They are all now known as Commonwealth countries.

They are no longer a part of the U.K. Instead, their relationships with the U.K. are formed based on the Monarchy and the Commonwealth.

3. Crown dependencies (皇家屬地) - land belongs to the Monarchy, but not the U.K. The U.K. acts as the agent of the Monarchy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:57:47
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