HOW do I tell my mom something?

2015-07-02 3:42 am
I recentely started browing brests... I think... Only one is hard.. And its hurting... But HOW do I bring it up?
PLEASE don't just say to just blurt it out & just go up to her & tell her!
Tell me exactaly how plz!!!
5 starts to best answer!!:)

回答 (5)

2015-07-02 5:27 am
Buy a bra you don't have to tell her anyway
2015-07-02 3:55 am
Tbh, my daughter never had to tell me, I just happened to notice. I say unless you are wanting her advice on something or wanting to go out bra shopping, there's really no need to tell her.
2015-07-02 3:46 am
Browing brests is good.
2015-07-02 4:41 am
ya why do u need to tell her? its not like big news or anything...
2015-07-02 3:43 am
====> >tips =====>> >

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