(intransitive verb) – go faster/gain speed or happen more quickly, 無 object
(transitive verb) - to make something go faster, 有 object
I stepped on the gas. The car accelerated.
car是 subject,
accelerated 是 intran.. v, 無 object
I stepped on the gas. I accelerated the car.
I 是 subject
accelerated 是 trans. v,
car 是 object
第一句, accelerated 不是形容詞
A car is accelerated (by someone) on the highway.
accelerated 是 past participle, 用來 form passive voice (Present simple)
accelerate 在這句是 trans. v,
intran. v 不能 put into passive, 因無 object
After watching a boring movie, I felt tired.
改了句子結構, had watched 與 feel 合不來
boring 是形容詞
Compare –ed 和 –ing 形容詞
We can use adjectives that end with-ed to describe people’s feelings:
Amy is very frightened.
The subject of the sentence (Amy) is the person who has the feeling.
The past participle (frightened) has a passive meaning.
We use an adjective that ends with –ing to talk about a thing or person that makes us have a feeling. –ing participle has an active meaning.
The ghost is very frightening.
The subject of the sentence (the ghost) causes the feeling.
I was tired at the end of the trip. (I felt tired)
The trip was tiring. (= The trip made us feel tired.)
It was a tiring trip.
除了 feeling 外, 還有其他的用法,
hidden treasure = treasure that was hidden
breaking wave, broken heart
當 verb-ing 作名詞, verb-ing 名稱 gerund (動名詞)
Swimming is my favourite sport. (Swimming 是動名詞)
Trying and succeeding are two different things.
trying 和 succeeding 是動名詞, 作 subject
I have had a trying day at work. (trying 形容詞, 形容 day)
I am trying my best. (trying 是 present participle ~ used to form present continuous tense)
請參考知足常樂提供的網頁, BBC 和 倫大 UCL 網
2015-07-02 08:39:33 補充:
Your writing is plagued with errors.
The car accerated----verb trans.~ 錯 (無 object)
Car is accerated----verb intrans.~ 錯 (intran. v 不能 passive)
accerated ~ spelling error.
He had increased speed,driven from the car-park with care.~ 錯
driven, picked, taken 是 past participle. 不是作形容詞
2015-07-02 10:42:32 補充:
bored expression = expression that was bored???
The children quickly got bored with locking inside an iron cage
"with locking inside an iron cage"???
What does it mean?
The children would get bored quickly if they were locked inside an iron cage .
~ a wild guess. That doesn't make sense!
2015-07-02 19:58:24 補充:
He is taking an accelerated course in English.
(accelerated 是形容詞)
He tried to understand the accelerating rate of technological change.
(accelerating 是形容詞)
a bored teenager = 一青少年自己感覺無聊
a boring teenager = 一青少年給人印象是無聊, 令人生厭
2015-07-02 20:22:58 補充:
verb + ing, verb + ed 是否變形容詞, 要看如何用
present participle 功能:
!. to form continuous tense (進行時態)
2. 形容詞
3. to form a participial phrase
verb-ing 可做動名詞
verb + ed 功能:
!. to form passive voice
2. to form perfect tense
3. 形容詞
4. to form a participial phrase
5. past tense of a verb