
2015-07-02 6:33 am
當我一掃完我家中既地板,我就講"I have used the broom to sweep the floor."

想問問我lee 個情況下講以上句子有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-07-02 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi , I think you can say ''had'' to instead have , because i think it's the past action ,
so i think you can use past perfect tense to tell this .
please any one correct me if i was wrong .
參考: myself
2015-07-02 10:44 pm
swept the floor-----indirect object (錯!)
with the broom-----direct object (錯!)


S = I
V = have swept
O = the floor (object of the main verb)
adjunct = with the broom (prepositional phrase ~ adverb of manner)
2015-07-02 3:32 pm
知識長多謝你關注我問題。咁我講I have used the broom to sweep the floor. 合唔合文法。
2015-07-02 8:47 am
The present perfect:-
eg:-I have already swept the floor with the broom.
broom n. is a brush on the end of a long handle, used for sweeping floor.
swept the floor-----indirect object
with the broom-----direct object
2015-07-02 6:53 am
無問題,但正常唔會咁講,因為你的句子的重點係 use the broom,但通常重點係 sweep the floor。

I have swept the floor with the broom.

2015-07-03 03:24:56 補充:
以上 Dustin 網友的意見 003 應該是回應 Toming88 知識長的。

回 發問者 意見 002,你的句子合文法、時態正確、用字無錯。



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