
2015-07-02 4:05 am
但有些當中會有The,例如有隻怪獸叫The Weaver

回答 (3)

2015-07-02 4:32 am
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The 不必翻譯,the 在英文中有確定性,說明了是那些東西。
2015-07-02 4:28 am

weaver----form into texture or fabric by interlacing on loom, and fashion.
The:- definite article is used to refer to something that has already been mentioned or is easily understood.There were 3 monsters.
Hence ignore the "The" treated as number on the monster,No.3 monster Weaver refers to normal or obvious monster.

2015-07-01 20:49:39 補充:
According to pronunciation, the way in which a particular proper name or sound is pronounced, "dada monster Weaver" could be used, when" the" shouldn't be translated as it is determined.

2015-07-02 11:50:56 補充:
dada monster in stories is a large ugly frightening creature, an imaginary one, the dada monster Weaver and other legendary sea monsters/ a prehistoric monster.
Very cruel and evil that only a dada monster weaver could kill all those beautiful women,feeling no remorse.
2015-07-02 4:21 am
譯作中文時這些專有名詞的 the 可以不譯。

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