Does Taylor Swift curse?

2015-07-01 7:16 am

回答 (11)

2015-07-01 7:33 am
Jet fuel can't melt steel bars
2015-07-01 7:25 am
Yes, she said the f word before when one Direction was called that one time for that one thing.
2015-07-01 7:22 am
f8ck no
2015-07-01 7:21 am
she curses every guy shes ever dated, so kinda
2015-07-01 7:21 am
2015-07-01 7:18 am
yeah when she stumps her toe
2015-07-01 7:18 am
a lot
2015-07-01 7:17 am
I actually Googled that before and the only result that came up suggesting she had done that before was in some awards show where she apparently mouthed what the f*ck. No one knows if she really cursed that day though.

BTW, she obviously curses at home but has never done it in public I think.
2015-07-01 7:17 am
Everyone curses.
2015-07-01 7:17 am
she's a good person and dosent swear in her songs,

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