Does anyone know how to fix a red ring on an Xbox 360?

2015-07-01 12:27 am
I don't really feel like sending it to Microsoft and paying money, so if anyone knows an effective way to fix it please help. It's a slim version and if anyone can also tell me how I may have got the red ring please let me know. Thanks!

回答 (2)

2015-07-01 3:29 am
If you don't want to pay anyone, you can try fix it yourself, but you have to be comfortable with opening it. If you don't know how to use a screw driver, DON'T attempt this, You will regret it.

Look up some tutorials on how to fix RROD for Xbox 360 slim.
2015-07-01 2:24 am
Isn't that the red ring of death? I thought that couldn't be resolved and the only solution is to get a new one. But I'll be glad to help if I know any way to.

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