How does this sound for dinner? Turkey burger on flatbread, baked potatoe and peas.?

2015-06-30 9:47 pm

回答 (5)

2015-06-30 10:00 pm
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Sounds amazing. I would add a condiment now.
2015-06-30 9:50 pm
2015-07-01 1:04 am
2015-06-30 10:05 pm
Sounds awful. Substitute th baked potato for chips and the peas for a salad.
2015-06-30 10:01 pm
I don't care for baked potatoes or warm peas in the heat of summer. That's cold weather food.

How about turkey burger on flatbread and cole slaw or a leafy green salad?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:43:40
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