問問關於Past Tense 問題

2015-07-01 4:44 am
我係早上八點開始洗碟直至八點二十分,咁係八點二十分零三分,d碟又污糟返,想問問係八點二十分零三分係電話同我朋友講"I just washed dishes." 有無唔妥。

回答 (4)

2015-07-01 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案

There is hardly any occasions when you would say an expression like "I just washed dishes".

Some normal expressions for your reference:

1. I've just finished washing the dishes.
(North American English: I just finished washing the dishes.)

2. I was washing the dishes just now. (just now = a short while ago)

3. I was washing the dishes from 8:00 to 8:20 this morning.


I just washed the dishes but without rinsing them. (just = only)
2015-07-05 7:29 am
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2015-07-01 6:04 pm
T0mXXXBB has haunted the English column with all the wrong answers for some time.

It is refreshing change to see Julie and Dustin writing lucidly.
Your contributions will be much appreciated.
2015-07-01 6:37 am
To use past continuous tense:

電話同我朋友講: I was washing dishes.

(to express what you were doing before talking with your friend)

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