
2015-06-30 11:22 pm
(a) 就屬地役權或特許的問題而言,有人聲稱對有關土地享有地役權或特許,而該土地的年值或按照《差餉條例》(第116章)確定的應課差餉租值(以較低者為準)不超逾$240000;或
(b) 就任何其他情況而言,該土地的年值或按照《差餉條例》(第116章)確定的應課差餉租值(以較低者為準)不超逾$240000。

回答 (2)

2015-07-01 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is the exact wording for Section 36 of District Court Ordinance (Hong Kong Ordinances Chapter 336).

Easement is not really a legal term, but a real estate term (although it uses mostly in legal aspect).

In short, an easement is a right given to a non-owner to have access of a particular area or interest.

In Hong Kong, a typical example of an easement is the area used for public utilities (electricity, phone, etc.) within a real estate development. This area, based on the Government Lease, is the public area of the development, which is under the control of the Owners' Corporation and property management.

The easement allows the public utility companies to enter the area and install necessary equipments to serve the development.

Another example of easement is roads connecting to the car park of a residential area. The owner of the parking spot does not own the road. Yet, the owner is given the right to use the roads in accessing the car park.
2015-07-01 12:08 am


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