問問英文sentence 既野

2015-06-30 9:15 pm
I am happy to have received your letter.


回答 (6)

2015-07-10 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
(i) "I am happy to receive your letter." -- P
(∵ letter 是現在剛收到 ---> present tense)
(ii) "I am happy to have received your letter." -- P
(∵ letter 巳收到了 ---> present prefect tense)
* * * * * * * * * *
(i) "..... to receive your letter." -- 較為簡潔
(ii) "..... to have received your letter." -- 較為強調「信巳收到」及「很高興收到 your letter的心情」

* * * * * * * * * *
如果删除 "I am happy" 這個 phrase,你會更易看到兩句都「冇錯 」:
(i) "I receive your letter."
(ii) "I have received your letter."
係唔係好明顯的「全對 」呀!!

* ( phrase 是一句子中的「附加形容語句」,並不影響整句說話的結構)

2015-07-10 4:46 am
The correct sentence should be:I am happy to receive your letters. or I am happy to receive letters from you.
2015-07-03 4:22 am

"I am glad receiving your letter"

直譯I am happy to have received your letter.

To (prop)

We go home.
We go to home.
2015-07-02 8:27 am
回答者: Lydia 是對
happy to do something
"I am happy to receive your letter."

happy that ...
I am happy that you sent me a letter.

to have done (something)
某種特別的情形下, 會這麼使用 infinitive form of the present perfect
Not to have acted sooner is my greatest regret.

2015-07-02 00:36:14 補充:
Another example:

"I have recently returned from India. To have seen the Taj Mahal in the early morning sunlight will always be something I shall never forget." ~ from BBC

TomBB, 不要亂作
"a letter" is not the same as "your letter".
Did Ling say "No Problem"?
2015-07-01 1:59 am
I think it is "I am happy to receive your letter."
2015-06-30 9:56 pm
I am happy to receive a letter (sent to me) with some happy news.=present tense as Ling said.No problem.

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