Whats better, Dominos or Pizza hut and why?

2015-06-29 6:31 pm

回答 (22)

2015-06-29 8:53 pm
Dominoes them selves put out a commercial, literally admitting they know they have crap pizza and they are trying to fix it.

Pizza hut is significantly better, but dont take my word for it , ask dominos.
2015-06-29 9:00 pm
Pizza Hut,,
It cost a bit more but you get what you pay for..
2015-06-29 6:36 pm
Dominos. Basically there is no pizza hut within 10 miles or delivery so that's why
2015-07-10 8:10 pm
Pizza Hut but not by much
2015-07-03 10:57 am
pizza hut, the others are too cheesy
2015-07-02 2:38 am
Neither compares to real pizza.
2015-07-01 5:13 pm
Pizza Hut
2015-07-01 12:46 pm
I've never had a Domino's pizza but it can't be worse than a Pizza Hut Deep Pan. Those things are swimming in grease.
2015-07-01 10:29 am
I haven't eaten at PIZZA HUT in a very long time and as far as I can remember, I never ate at DOMINOS so I cant answer it really. The only thing I can say is that Pizza Hut is good.
2015-07-01 5:55 am
I don t really like Dominoes. I love Pizza Hut deep pan, any topping with extra cheese. I always order a large and eat the second half the next day. Microwaved second day Pizza Hut is better than Dominoes.
2015-07-01 1:27 am
Pizza Hut because they have all kinds of new pizzas every now and then
2015-06-30 4:02 pm
frozen pizza from supermarket and add your toppings.
2015-06-30 8:59 am
I don't like pizza hut because it just has more butter inn the crust. Dominoes , on the other hand, has more flavour instead of just fats and extra oil/ butter that pizza hut does.
2015-06-30 3:35 am
2015-06-30 12:36 am
dominos, you can get a large pizza for 8 dollars and there's more topping choices and they have better quality cheese.
2015-06-29 11:32 pm
2015-06-29 11:22 pm
Pizza hut tastes less like ****
2015-06-29 11:04 pm
Pizza hut because you get stuffed crust and a better pizza
2015-06-29 8:20 pm
i really don't mind haha i love all pizza

but my bf loves dominos, i do enjoy pizza hut tho. i love them both
2015-06-29 7:27 pm
Pizza Hut BUT it's not as good as it used to be
2015-06-29 6:55 pm
Pizza hut, it tastes so much better!
2015-06-29 7:33 pm
Dominos because its just so tasty but I love Pizza Hut also so either one is fine with me just depends which one I want more.

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