LA parking sign trouble?

2015-06-29 9:37 am

Are parking restriction zones effective before the sign, or after it? I'm parked on a weird street where there's a sign that says "Tow Away 2 am-6am." Then there's a section on the same street where it doesn't say "Tow Away." And then the section before THAT one, it says it again. There's a few cars parked where I'm at. But it's just vacant enough that I'm a little nervous.

回答 (3)

2015-06-29 4:22 pm
If there is an arrow, it's only on one side of the sign. If there is no arrow, it's BOTH sides.

Whether or not it says Tow Away, it's still illegal to park there 2AM-6AM. If you get enough tickets, you WILL be towed.
2015-07-02 5:06 pm
if no arrow, then the entire street
2015-06-29 9:44 am
Often these signs will have an arrow showing what part of the street it restricts.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:40:37
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